Union College-Schenectady Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


When you think of college, the first thing many think of are parties. Are they fun, can you get in, where are they, do people get super drunk all the time, etc.? I must start off by saying that Union is unique in that there are always events on the weekends that do not pertain to drinking. I personally do not drink and I still manage to have a GREAT time. There are frats open every weekend as well as weekly free movies at Reamer and general events, one of my favorites being U Bingo, that are organized by the UProgram. They do a great job of keeping students entertained and providing alternatives for underage drinking. As any college, there is always something going on in the dorms as well. It is not uncommon for someone to have their door open and for someone to walk in and say hi. Many students at Union are involved in extra curriculars and have a rigorous amount of work so many students find their amount of sleep at a minimum, not going to bed until late morning. My closest friend is my roommate. We get along amazingly and I could not ask for a more easygoing person to room with. Off campus there is always movies at Bow Tie Cinemas or a play at Proctors. Many fine dining restaurants are located down-town as well. Trust me, you'll never be bored!


At Union, there are an absolutely ridiculous amount of things to do. The Minerva program contributes SO much to the College and really enhances the experience. Every single night, there is ALWAYS something to do in at least one Minerva. The worst thing about this is deciding between events to attend if you can really call that bad. There are over 100 clubs on campus, whatever you want to do, there is a like minded group of students. I am involved in the orchestra, Best Buddies, and my Minerva house council. These all give me a lot of opportunities to apply myself and be a leader. At Union, a lot of kids pursue leadership opportunities; kids are very ambitious. Kids are also friendly, dorm room doors are always open. Small residence halls allow for a very close knit community feeling. This leads to a lot of social opportunities. Everyone knows everyone, it's really nice. I met my closest friends on the pre-orientation trip at the beginning of the year. The college holds a lot of ice breaking activities to help people make friends. If I were to be awake at 2am on a Tuesday, I am most certainly doing homework or studying and anyone else who is awake is most likely doing that too. People party a lot, its definitely the thing to do here, but its not the only thing. Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday are party days. Greek Life is extremely popular on campus, something like 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of kids pledge. Luckily the Minerva system offers an amazing alternative. Last weekend I went to one of our Division I hockey games (which we won, were #9 in the nation) and then to Spa Night. Basically the college hired spa services to come and massage and pamper students. It was great. On a Saturday night, the college always makes sure there a fun things to do. Some popular things are iPad/iPod Bingo, Game Show Night, Psychic Fair, comedians, bands, and many many many others. They always provide things to do and this is on top of what Minervas host. Off campus is not really somewhere students go just because of the neighborhood around Union. It's not always safe. However there really is no reason to leave campus, it's self sustaining.


Everyday, there is something happening on campus. Minervas, clubs, organizations, houses, all host events ranging from guest speakers to tv/movie nights to broomball. The variety of different events/activities really show the range of interests of the students here.


We have a very involved student body. Most students are not only juggling several classes but also extracurricular activities, volunteer projects, work, sports, and internships. We like to keep busyyy. Athletic events are very popular especially HOCKEY! I have gone to almost every hockey game and love it. The student section is always filled and flows into regular seating. Kids of alumni are usually running around in Union attire. Hockey games are a blast. I am involved in the theatre and dance program and love it. The shows are fantastic and often sell out. Union does have a lot of parties. Our fraternities and sororities are very prevalent but if you are not in one that doesn't affect your social life at all. You can't rush until sophomore year anyways so that allows freshman to get used to the school first. Most parties are in frats and are on friday and saturday nights. Wednesday night is also a time some Union students will go out. Many people drink but if you don't no one pressures you or makes you feel uncomfortable. There are also other opportunity to do things on Saturday and Friday nights that don't involve drinking. U programs brings comedians, hypnotists, bands, psychics, and other activities almost every weekend. There is also a movie playing at Reamer campus center Friday through Monday night. Overall Unions social life is really fun. There are lots of opportunities to get involved and enjoy yourself.


There are always other things to do on a Saturday night that don't involve drinking. For example there was bingo a few weeks ago where you could win prizes like the ipad, ipod, more declining balance, and other big things. There are also comedians every wednesday night at 10 and there was a spa night last saturday with massage beds, mani/pedis. There are also always speakers and things going on at least once a week somewhere on campus that a lot of students attend.


One of the most popular things on campus is hockey. Lots of people go to the hockey games to support their friends on the team and get a little loud, showing their school spirit. We have a bunch of clubs here and there is always something to do. Each weekend has a handful of events. This past year we have had Ralph Nader come to speak and many different top notch music groups.


Popular groups or teams??? what? at Union? absolutely not! the social life involves getting trashed every friday and saturday night at the same frats that hopefully at the very least have a different theme every week. On wednesday night, bar night, the entire school can be found at either Rupsis, Geppettos or Chets so bring your fake ID, you'll need it! And if you're awake at 2 am on Tuesday your definetly only awake if your smoking pot or doing a few too many lines because otherwise there is NOTHING to do. The frats are ESSENTIAL to our school and there would most likely be no one attending Union if they didn't exist, they are the social life. Any cool traditions the school might have had the administration WILL destroy them untill the alumni complain enough. Ps no one gives a f*ck about theatre or any other shit like that at Union, unless your one of them. And if you think people leave their doors open your certainly wrong.


clubs and teams are popular... all sports, students leave their doors open, theater is not too popular but theater/dance is growing, meet closest friends throughout freshman year via other people, people party 2-6 nights a week (depending on the year and time of year, i.e. senior spring and freshman fall are crazy), frats/sororities are very popular but it is not necessary to be a part of one to have fun, Saturday nights there are shows, performances, but most people drink. Off campus people shop, eat, go to Saratoga


Party lots, party often.


Greek life is definitely most important on the weekends. Most students attend these parties even if they are not Greek. There is some pressure to pledge a fraternity or sorority sophomore year. Weekends usually revolve around drinking and there isn't too much to do off campus if you aren't interested in partying. Friday, Saturday and Wednesday are popular drinking nights. Doors in dorms are typically left open, especially in freshman dorms where it is a great place to meet people. I met my closest friends in my hall freshman year.