Union College-Schenectady Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Union College-Schenectady?


small classes, trimesters, good social life, sports, people professors


When I brag about Union to my friends, I always mention our division I hockey team, our plethora of activities and clubs, the cultural events that our school brings to campus like documentaries, speakers (for example Mike Hubabee last year!), and crazy parties every weekend. I have lots of pride in our academics, but I don't rub that in with my friends.


The great professors, The trimester system, The class sizes


Union's campus is amazing. It is nicely designed and absolutely beautiful. The dorms are really nice, and there are a lot of different living options. As an upperclassmen, you can live in a hotel or a campus owned apartment. Another living option is the Minerva Houses. The Minerva House system was started as a way to connect the social, academic, and living spaces of Union. Each of the seven houses receives $30,000 a year to do whatever it wants. Every student is assigned to one of the houses as a freshmen, but the activities are open to everyone.


Academics, so many new friends, alot of activities, sports