United States Military Academy Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about United States Military Academy?


Small classes, price, availability of teachers


The fact that I am a member of the "Long Gray Line" of graduates - which includes notable graduates such as GEN Pershing, GEN Patton, President Eisenhower, and GEN Schwarzkopf, among many others.


Its West Point. The school brags for itself,


I am recieving an excellent education for free with a guaranteed career upon graduation.

Oppotunities I have. Leadership training I recieve. Challenging environment.


I brag most about the many outlets that West Point has to practice religion. There are so many different groups and organizations that I did not imagine, before coming here, existed.


That my schools pushes students beyond limits and fears and still keeps pushes till one reaaches your full potential. If you think you have it hard come here and you will run back to your school.