United States Naval Academy Top Questions

What should every freshman at United States Naval Academy know before they start?


I would tell myself to keep doing exactly what you are doing. Making good grades and keeping my head in school. Do not let outside problems effect your studies. No matter how bad your life seems or how frustrating juggling school, job, family, and boyfriend all together is, do not give up! Going to college is not as hard as you may think. The first day, not really sure where to go and not knowing who anyone is scary but not near as bad as you think it will be. Do not be afraid to ask questions. That is what the staff is there for. Do not assume that you are the only person in class that does not have a clue what you are doing. Believe me you are not the only one. Keep up the good work and keep your head on straight.


Live life for the moment before it's gone. Make the best decisions you can make based on your instinct and advice from your friends. Live, laugh, and love and try to live without regrets. Make close friends and keep them near your heart as they will help you make it through the rought times in life. Enjoy what you have, make wise decisions that you can always live with and never lower your standards for anyone. Stand up for what you believe in because there are probably others out there with the same idea that are too afraid to speak up for what they believe is right. Learn how to love yourself.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself I would tell myself to learn how to study and concentrate. In college, your parents are no longer there to motivate you or force you to study. Instead, you have to take it upon yourself to do what needs to be done, which is difficult considering the multitude of distractions that college presents. In high school, it is possible to get an A in a class simply by doing the homework and listening when the teacher talks. In college however, extra studying is necessary for any grade above a C. Class is no longer a reiteration of the materials covered by the homework, but a whole mess of new information. While note taking helps you remember the information, if one doesn't study those notes it becomes almost impossible to truly learn the material.


What would tell myself would be to make up your mind if you want to go to college in the the 10 grade, because it really does matter . What you do after high school. Life is about choice ,but as time goes on they become less of a priority and in todays world you need school more then you would ever know . To make it .


I'd warn myself that things will never be the same as high school. Old friends move on and you'll have to as well. Go in with an open mind, participate in multiple ECA's, and take a break to have some fun once in a while


Read and apply the principles presented in Steven Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The advice and strategies for identifying the most important things and arranging the schedule to maintain focus on those things.


Run more, get in better shape.


Work out more. Learn to manage time a bit better.


I would have told myself to really spend a lot more time evaluating what college would be a good fit for me. Take time and do some soul searching to figure out if how others view you might be more accurate than how you view yourself. I would have told myself to visit more campuses and see if the school i choose has values that are in line with my own, and that if my values were to change, if the school i choose has room to accomidate and facilitate my personal growth.


I would better prepare myself in sports in order to be more competitive on the high school level, I have no other regrets.