United States Naval Academy Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


job opertunities


I am being better prepared to serve my country at the Naval Academy than I would be anywhere else.


Military history


Everyone is bound by service. There is no possible way to describe the trust and love amongst midshipman here. It is like having 40 brothers that you would do anything in the world for. You are always constantly pushed. Everyone here was a vasristy athlete 4.0 in high school so it wierd being a high achiever and being "normal"


The Academy challenges each student unlike any school to help develope the future leaders of America. No other school can push each student to their personally limits morally, mentally, and physically.


Provides many oppurtunites for people to improve themselves.


Service to the nation.


The comraderie and the sense of brotherhood and sisterhood shared by not only those currently attending but by the alumni as well.


The strong sense of tradition. There have been many past graduates who have gone on to do great things: Naval admirals, Marine Corps Generals. president and congressmen, astronauts, CEOs, etc. It is humbling to know that these great people lived in the same building that we live in, went to the same classrooms, and had to abide by the same rules.


The best thing about this school is the availability of help to the students who want it. Professors will do almost anything for students who they feel are trying hard; this is one of those schools that is a lot harder to get into than get kicked out of. Also, the spirit and camraderie among the students is the best in the country, we all have a sense of purpose here.