University at Buffalo Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University at Buffalo?


The modern architecture and the size of the school, as well as all the friends I made from all over the world.


the wide range of activities and student involvements on campus. just the overall experience


I tell them about how my American politics prof. and i went to New York city to present a research paper together and now we will both be published. I tell them about the clubs that im in and the fact that my scholarship is amazing and will be paying for me to study abroad!


My research work, we get to do individual research projects if we so choose.


That i made it out of the poor and go to a school that has a hug name, and that we have the best sports teams ever and The School does alot for us, expecually when it comes to something we are intrested in and most of all there is so much to do that it is never a dull moment!!


I like to talk about how many people go here, the friends that I've made, the diversity of people on campus and the awesome experience I've had in my department.


The social and nightlife of SUNY Buffalo is the thing I brag most about obviously. Who honestly brags about classes?


The racial diversity in the school is huge. People come from different parts of the world with amazingly diversed culture.


The diversity and extensive variety of programs and options for students.


our football team did really well this year, how big our school is, and the party scene.