University at Buffalo Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University at Buffalo? Why?


My school is a little to big, which makes it a little hard to get to know people and its a little "cold." Also, it snows/rains ALL THE TIME.


the area where the school is located, not close to alot of places especially for students dorming.


How insignificant you feel in such a big class.


The worst thing about this school would probable be the job freeze on campus. The economic recession has hit the university pretty bad, so there have been some cut backs in the form of job oppurtunities. It also limits the amount of scholarships that the university can offer to it's students who for the majority of them are hard working people in the classroom and out of the classroom.


Students do not get enough personal attention from their proffesors. The food is awful. Many of the proffesors are difficult to understand due to language barriers.


large size class room environment, it made interaction harder with professors.


Weather Sometimes the professors Time of courses


Some of the grading of some professors are unfair... And the bathrooms are always out of toilet paper lol


The parking! There are way too many students for the spots here, and they allow everyone to have cars. There are almost accidents daily, and you have to arrive up to 40 minutes early to wait and stalk someone for a spot.


really cold.