University at Buffalo Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I came to SUNY Buffalo as a transfer and i wish i had known how organized you had to be to be really successful. At my old college porfessors would remind us of deadlines, missed work, make up tests ect. Not here, the students are expected to be responsible for everything. Thats not so say you can't find help but you have to go find it, help will not come to you.


It is really cold in Buffalo, no but like really, really cold.


I wish i had known exactly what i wanted to major in


How to study by myself better.


I wish i had a better idea of a career path for myself.


I wish I had known more about the weather here, how rainy and cold it is here. I also wish I had known how bad the parking would be here.


There isn't really anything. I felt they did a good job informing students at Orientation.


how cold it really is and how bad the city is


the size of the school and a little more about the weather conditions in the winter.


i knew everything i needed to know.