University at Buffalo Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


Big Some good professors Intern positions Food court


no matter what you are interested in, ther is a club, team, interest group, or following for it, and if there isn't it isnt hard to start one on your own. I was able to find a club related to all of my interests and am rarely bored or feel like there is nothing to do.


diversity. It's been really great getting to meet so many students from so many different cultures.


The best thing about the school is that some of the classes are taught by professionals from the field.


The many internship, research, and employment opportunities available on campus and academic help for low income and minority students.


The best thing about my school is the libraries. There are a number to choose from, if you want to study in a large group, or just be by yourself in a quote, relaxed environment. You could sit and work in any library without anyone bothering you.


The University had a very diverse population of students and faculty members. This really made for a wonderful experience and allowed people to interact with individuals with all sorts of different perspectives and ideas. Additionally, this University provided many wonderful opportunities to further your education and prepare you for the world after college.


The people. They are all unique and interesting and come from every imaginable background.


The extremely diverse Faculty and student poulation


How cheap it is compared to the amount of education you recieve back. I pay a SUNY tuition and get a lot more back from my school.