University of Delaware Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I was I new how musch financial aid I was getting. I also wish that I could have got A RA position in a dorm


I wish I had known that the campus wasn't as racially diverse as it claimed to be.


I wish I knew that it had such a great acedemic reputation in other states. I wish I knew how beautiful the campus is. I wish I knew that everyone is always drinking.


I would have liked to know that the school tries to rip students/parents off on a variety of miscelleanous things (random fees, parking, replacements for things around the dorm, ext.)


I wish i had known how hard the course load would be. I was a straight a student and now im pulling a 3.2 and studying my heart out. I wish I had better prepared myself in high school and taken more advanced placement classes.


Nothing, it's a normal school with no surprises.


I wish that I had known that the Ray Street Dorms are dramtically different than any normal dorm. I wish i knew how g.d. hot and humid it became in the summer. I wish i knew that the engineering curricula was ridgid and difficult to do if you miss a class.


What I wanted to do with my life.


i knew everything there was to know grew up in the same city as the university


How much extra work I would have to put into my classes.