University of Akron Main Campus Top Questions

Describe the students at University of Akron Main Campus.


My classmates are very studious, intelligent, and extremely hard workers.


My class mates are not very outgoing. They like to keep to themselves or within their previously established social groups which makes it hard for outsiders to get assistance from them when necessary.


I am in a learning community with 30 other people who we follow together till we graduate if we choose too. My classmates mostly keep to themselves but at times we help each other out with our education.


My classmates are incredibly smart, out spoken and eager to learn new material.


My classmates are very competitive and hardworking individuals. Unlike in highschool where everyone is very close, and would collaboratively work on a project, in college individuals tend to watch out for themself.


In my classes, no two classmates are alike.


My classmates are available and willing to work together in order for us to all achieve our common goal.


My classmates are very younger than myself. Actually, they are my childrens age . That would put them in the age of twenty something. They are very intelligent for their age and somewhat focus. I find that most of them value education more than my generation did in the eighties. Back when I was in school the military was everyones primary focuse as well as starting a family. No one was as focus on education in my ethic background generation as the young adults are today. So with that being said, I would say my classmates know what they want.


A diverse group of studeous, friendly and fun loving people, who know who they are and where they are going.


Working adults that are trying to make a better life for themselves.