University of Akron Main Campus Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Akron Main Campus?


How awesome all my friends are. I am apart of a great sorority. I think we have great recreational facility as well. There is just so much one can do at this school.


The most awesome school!!!!!!!!I'm trying to get my brother who will be graduating this year to come on board!!!!!!!!!!! This is my home--I love my friends and teachers. I'm already thinking about post graduation! The Nursing program here is one of the best and I'll be proud to graduate from it. I even started the first honors nursing club here on campus and my professors were behind me all the way.. It so far has been a success!!!


I brag about the radio station at my school. I am currently a D.J, and it is the most amazing experience I have ever had. WZIP is the top college radio station in the nation. I am proud to say that our university works hard to uphold our reputation.


It's a lot of fun. Always something to do. Alot of activities. Very diverse. Close walking distance.


I tell them that we have the number one radio station in the nation and that I have acess to some really good top of the line equiptment to get me going into the field of broadcasting. I also brag that I think in a few years we will be a much better school than we currently are.


Not much to brag about.


I like to rub it in that we are getting an amazing new football stadium this year.


What keeps me coming back to Akron semester after semester is the fact that my professors are also career professionals in their field. It is not unusual at all for one of my Criminal Justice profs to be a member of the SWAT team or the head of the Homocide department for APD. One of my Political Science professors was a judge for 25 years before going into teaching.