The most important thing when searching for a college is that it just feels "right". I know when I was searching I did not want to be too far from home but not too close. Akron was just perfect for me. Make sure that the college offers the major of your choice and that it offers the financial aid that you need. College is a lot different than high school. No one is going to call you or your mom if your not in class. You really have to become responsible for yourself. College is a place where a student really finds themself, make sure it is in a place that you feel comfortable in.
Make sure it is what the student wants.
From my college experience I would give this advice to students. When choosing a college, a person needs to consider many different aspects that could alter their life. Such considerations involve; does the student want to move away from their parents, out of state, and the type of field they would like to succeed in. Picking a college should be the students personal choice; the student has to feel comfortable in the social aspect of that school. Picking a college is also one of the first serious decisions that jumpstarts our careers, and a student has to be happy with the college they choose to go to. The student will not be happy if they simply choose a school based on a friend's decision or because their parents graduated from the school. This is a time for a person to become independent. Also, students should see college as a simulation of the real world, so they should live their lives in the essence of an adult. As you can see, the advice I would give a student is to make this their own personal decision to find the college that they can excell in both academically and socially.
For most parents, I would tell them to let their child go in many aspects, but also keep in touch just in case their child needs anything. Letting your child go to college and to live on their own is exciting to them, but very far away is not always the best thing for young adults. As for students, I was always told to bloom where you are planted. Make the best of all situations and allow yourself to open up to people and make friends that you will keep in contact with for the rest of your life. This is the time in a young adults life where they have the chance to become the person they want to be and can be. As for students that did not get along with their parents in their high school years, you will learn to appreciate them and they can become one of your better friends. Let your parents help you, because even though you make think so, teenagers do not always know everything.
I would tell parents and students to stay focused on thier goals, however, those goals may change along the way. Students change from the ages of 18 to 22 through their college years. Be prepared to change your perspective and goals during this time. Enjoy college and the time you spend in your program. Also, getting real-world experience is invaluable, and will help you once you enter the field.
I would advise that the parents stay involved because it gets hard when you?re around new faces and looking to plan your entire life out. Also I would make sure that you can afford college because it becomes very hard enduring hidden difficulties faced by the average college student. For example parking can become a very expensive feat to overcome if a student lives near campus. Please make sure that there are available parking, affordable meals, a good communication when returning and buying books. College students encounter problems with not being able to sell books back to the college bookstore because of changes in the curriculum. Also I advise forming social networks to help with the stress of everyday college life. With these key insights some future student could have a great time in college and make it far in a professional career.
College is supposed to be fun but don't base your decision off of that. You're better off if you attend college in the state you grew up in because it will cost less, and you will appreciate that once you start paying off your loans. Make friends with people in your classes, they can always help you out if a professor is too busy, and usually end up scheduling the same classes for the following semester because of the friendship you built up in class.
Part of finding the right college is checking out the environment. I have attended two colleges and the environment is a huge factor in a students ability to learn and participate in activities. Check the crime areas and what kind of activities the colleges offer. You also want to think about how the student will live. If they get a dorm on campus or commute, the activities they participate in will change. Colleges with large on campus populations are livelier and have more local entertainment. My college is a largley commuter college, therefore there is little surrounding enteratiment locations and it is empty durring the weekend. Finally, I would suggest to students to find a good location to form study groups. College is much more of a learn it on your own mission, so study groups that are consistant and effective is a must to succeed.
Don't underestimate the value of the education from a state university. They have a lot of opportunities and cost much less than private schools. Many people don't consider them as "prestigous" as private schools but don't consider the benefits such as better facilities, more students, and more choices academically.
Do your research! Find the college that works best for you. Make sure you go on tours, and find out which college makes you feel at home. Also look at factors such as financial aid, academic opportunities, and social life. What ever you do, find a place that makes you feel like you belong.