Look at every college possible and make sure they have exactly what your looking for in the price range your looking for
Go to a school where you will feel comfortable at.
Finding the right college is a personal choice. It where you best fit in and like the campus and the people at that campus. Its where you feel at home. Making the most of you college experience is what you get involved in on campus while you are there. Everyone wants to say that they left college with friends, getting involved on campus gets you that experience as well as friends. I know at this school there is always something going on during the week as well as on weekends. I know for a fact that everyone can find something to get involved with that they are interested in. I really like my college choice and the things that I am involved with.
I would definitely tell parents and students to visit their top 3 schools of choice and see which University or College offers them the most for their money. I would also tell them to really focus on picturing themselves at the specific school because if you cannot see yourself there, then its probably not the best fit for them. I would also encourage parents to let the student choose which school they want to attend on their own.
I would also greatly urge the students to get involved in whatever interests them right away. Most schools have so many opportunities for the students and not enough people take advantage of those opportunities, whether it be joining band, playing a sport, or joining a sorority or fraternity. The friendships that you make those first few years of college will carry on throughout your entire college career and hopefully last a lifetime.
I would give encouraging advice to future students or parents trying to find the right college. Finding the right college is something you really need to sit back and think about for example the location, the size, the requirements that the college needs and the majors the college has to offer. Making the most out of college would in my opinion be to try your hardest to reach all your goals and then if you have time get involved with campus activities, sports and clubs. Remember to keep focused on school at all times it is easy to slack off and not go to class but it does not pay off in the end. Go out an try new and exciting things because this is the only time you will have to experience the true college world.
I would suggest to the parents to have their furture student begin the college search as early as their sophomore year in high school. This will allow both the parents and the student time to research universities, as well as give both parties time to get alternative financing arranged, if necessary. To the student, I would suggest they approach college as more of a career than "school". I would suggest they take it very seriously, and apply themselves one hundred percent. They must remeber, there will be pleanty of time to "party" after they get their big-paying career. They must excercise deferred gratification.
Choose a school based on the program that they offer for your degree, not on the reputation. Don't choose to go to a school simply because you think it will have the best parties, or because you like the way the campus is set up, or because that's where you're friends are going, and mostly, or because you really like where it's located don't choose a school just because it's close to home. Also don't let the tuition scare you out of going to a school. If you truly want to attend a school, make it work, look into financial aid, online, in books, at school, everywhere. No matter where you go, as long as it's the program you want and you have a great attitude, you will have a great college experience. You can't have a good experience if you don't expect to have one. Don't let it get you down if it doesn't have everything you expected, or wanted. It doesn't matter who has the best parties. What counts is that you have a great education, good teachers, friends, and a future you want.
My advice for parents and students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience would be to look thoroughly and go to many campuses to find the one that is right for them. Deciding on what college to go to is one of the most important decisions one makes. Make the decision based on themselves and not what their parents, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, or anyone else wants.
For students looking for the right college, try and find someone who goes there that will let you shadow them for a day or two. LIVE ON CAMPUS! look for clubs and leadership programs to really get the most out of your on campus experiance; even if it's not all for you you'll at least know it's there.
You have to do what is right for you. Do not follow your friends or a significant other, that could only complicate things in the long run. You can still keep your close friends close while meeting a whole new group of people. You also have to remember to live your life. These can be the best years of your life. Stay involved. Join a club, or an organization. Play an intramural sport if you want to! Most campuses will supply activities that usually don't cost a thing and are quite enjoyable. I just saw The Dark Knight for free last night at our on campus thearter! It was great! Also, don't fall behind in classwork. Prioritize yourself. This is your chance to startover, start fresh. No one here knows you, be who you want be. Make the most out of your experience!