University of Akron Main Campus Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


How difficult it would be to adjust from such a small high school to such a large school


Not to over work myself. Its good to concintrate on school work, but there has to be down time to relax and enjoy what is going on around a student also. And you need to know the difference between studying and just reading the book. A little more work then just reading the lesson has to be done if you want more than a average grade.


I wish I had known all the helpful things the student center has to offer.


I wish I had known the possibilities of advancing my career and the many opportunites available to me. I wish I had known that I had the ability to suceed in school as I have just in my first semester of school (Dean's list) and I hope the trend continues throughout my education at the University of Akron. School is not as difficult as it seems if you put some effort into it and are able to concentrate on your long term goals.


I wish I had realized the importance of internships. Although I am doing well now in my career, I believe I would have gotten off to a quicker start had I pursued an internship in my Junior and Senior years.


Expensive on campus housing. Poor parking.


To really plan ahead. Some of the prerequisties to get into other classes fill up very quickly. I wish I would have known how quick they filled up so that I would have been able to give myself a head start on getting into my major.


I wish I had known more about how financial aid at this school worked.


I wish I had known exactly what area of study in which I was interested prior to enrollment.


The computer requirements.