University of Alabama at Birmingham Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of Alabama at Birmingham?


Lazy people should not attend this school. Anyone who isn't serious about getting an education should not bother applying.


The kind of people that shouldn't attend this school are people that really don't put effort into school. People that only come to college for parties and all fun, shouldn't come to a school like this because the University of Alabama at Birmingham was created for the education of its students. People who slack off and intentionally make bad grades should not consider attending this school because others that want to make something of themselves and receive a great education can have the opportunity to learn instead.


An impatient person who is centered around the internet should not attend this school.


I believe that anyone that is undecided on their field of study should not attend. They would be better served by a community college. With rising tuition it is better to take general courses from a community college which can be transferred. Though a four year college offers more independence for younger students, the cost is way too high to not be sure what degree one wants to earn.


Any one that wanted to could. There are enough different groups of students for everyone to find a place to fit in.


The kind of person I think should not attend University of Alabama at Birmingham is a person who not focused on academic. This school is very challenging and you have to be focused in order the pass all your classes.


The school really can fit anyone, except for a die-hard football fan.


If you like small classrooms with more a personal relationship with your professor, UAB is not the school for you. Its very fast paced and its easy to get behind.


I think there's something for everyone. If you want to party, there's a lot of people to party with, but if you are more serious about your school, there are plenty of teachers here willing to help you find whatever you need for the research you want to do.


Someone who isn't seeking to be in the medical field, whether it be optometry, dentistry, health professions, public health. UAB is one of the top leading medical schools so it would be a waste of time for someone who wants to be a lawyer or a movie director or a teacher.