University of Alabama at Birmingham Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Finiacial aid


I wish I had known that graduating with degrees in majors other than pre-med or pre-health at this school will not be a jump start for a career in the fields.


i wish had money and ap classes before i came to uab.


The lack of funds for the arts.


I wish I had known that the hospital was going to impact and interfere with the college campus experience as much as it does, considering that people have to drive through and onto campus in order to get to the hospital.


I wish I had already realized from the beginning that the campus is safer than I thought it might be. Campus security is great.


How massive it was in size.


That it was much bigger and a lot less academic than I was led to believe. I thought I would have much better professors and classes than I have ended up having. Also, the atmosphere is just odd...there are a lot of aging people who have decided to come back to school when they hit around 40, and a lot of people commute, giving the school a very strange atmosphere indeed.


That every thing here is mostly medicine oriented and that the electrical engineering department like to use the name electrical engineering but really all they ever end up teaching you is computer engineering.


There is nothing more that I could have wanted to know about UAB because it is everything and more than I ever expected of a university.