University of Alaska Anchorage Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about University of Alaska Anchorage!


I do not think that there is anything unique about my school.


It has smaller class size, and provides greater acess to instructors.


I would say that the exposure to nature on a daily basis is what makes this school unique.


The most unique thing is waking up and seeing the mountains. When you're feeling constrained the clean air will sooth you.


The University of Alaska Anchorage is a growing campus with a diverse bunch of Students and Professors of wide ranged ethnicities and personalities. What is so neat about this school, compared to others, is the location. Apart from being in Anchorage, a city also growing in size, surrounded by mountains and the glistening sea, it's a short drive or trip to escape the pressures of an urban lifestyle. You can camp on the weekends, find places no one will ever find you at, and discover things about yourself you never thought capable! Here, college isn't all about schoolwork.