University of Arizona Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of Arizona?


I brag about how many friends I have made, and the amount of weekend activities. There is always something going on, especially for those who live on campus.


achievments of professors, status of campus etc.


We have one of the best college basketball teams in the country! We also have flip flop weather 330 days out of the year.


When I go home and my friends ask me, "How is school?", I always let them know that, The University of Arizona is a great school to go to academically. Being in a community that is out of your safe zone gives you time to find out who you really are and what you want to do in life.


It was our basketball team... However our business school is amazing and I am proud to be a part of it




I mostly brag about the type of research the University of Arizona is involved in regarding Astronomy and Planetary Sciences fields. Especially lately, with the orbiter MRO, the HiRISE camera aboard the satellite sends back hundreds of pictures that are studied here at the University. And the most recent project, the Phoenix lander mission, is currently sending back data that has already changed the views of many scientists about life and water on Mars.




The University of Arizona is a major research institution and has a top rated college of pharmacy.


I always tell my friends about my grades which are always high. I tell them about my grades because I want them to also do a great job so their grades can be like mine and most of the time I feel that I am an inspiration to my friends.