University of Arizona Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Arizona?


That we party a lot, we are crazy fans


crazy partying


Some sterotypes of UofA students are the we drink way too much, and every night of the week, that the school is a non stop party and no one ever goes to class because they are too hungover. Some stereotypes for Arizona in general is that its a beautiful school, where the weather is amazing all the time.


That it is so hard to go to class because the weather is so nice. Horrible academics. Everyone just parties. You have to be in greek life.


Rich, stereotypical, and not very smart.


Everyone is in Greek life, and being greek is the only way to socialize.


They drink and party alot and are for the most part are all attractive and overly tan. Greek life is all about partying and looking good. Good buisness school and science department.


they party hard, do coke but not as much as asu. they're stupid, major in communications and other things just to get by because their rich parents will set them up with a job.


Not very smart. Real easy school to get into


People think that greeks don't do well in school and just love to party.