If I were able to go back in time and talk to my high school self as a senior, I would tell myself to stop worrying. I am completely capable of handling what college has to offer. I would tell myself not to stress too much about the friend aspect of everything. You end up right where you are meant to be. You work hard and get the grades you deserve. Although I would tell my high school self to study a little bit harder for Art History so you can get that higher A you were working towards.
My advice would be relax. I am a hard worker, and am always after the best grades. Going to University High School as a freshman was a shock to me. Not only was it a culture shock being surrounded new people, but it was an academic shock. Instead of being the over achiever at my home school, I was in the "smart" environment struggling. Many nights I stayed up studying to maintain my straight As. However, with difficult courses, I got my first B. I still try my hardest and have maintained good grades, but when entering college I was worried. I was worried not only for the academics, but the social shock again. The U of A has a big campus. Few of my friends from UHS were in my classes. Moving away from home was hard too. Worrying so much that first year caused me to miss out on many opportunities. So my advice is go with the flow, try your hardest, but also to live a little and enjoy college. I only have two more years of education then I am stuck in the real world, hopefully with a job I love because of my choices now.
Brittany, all the teachers, counselors, summer advisors were wrong about college. It is an amazing place, it is not how they all described it would be, the teachers are very laid back, chill, and actually talk about things that High school teachers should not discuss in class. You get to choose what time of the day you can attend class, can do whatever you want basically, but one thing to keep in mind is to attend classes every day, memorize your schedule, and of course get to class early or there will not be any seats left. Take all your required class this year, fill out all those scholarships application you are thinking of applying for, stay with the Upward Bound program, and for orientation let New Start know the first week that you have an emergence on orientation day, so that you can get your registration situated and ready for Warped Tour 2012!
If I could go back to high school and give myself good advice, it would be to go to college right after high school and finish my degree. I started my Accounting degree path, but I stopped going after a year to work and pursue other interests. If I would have continued and finished my degree then, I believe I would have went on and gotten my Bachelor's Degree already as well, which I intend to pursue after finishing my Associate's. I would stress how important it is, and how much a degree is required now for most jobs. I continually tell my daughters how important college is and wish I would have taken my own advice after high school.
Dear Jordyn, I know what you are going through right now seems so difficult and impossible, but it gets better. College is hard but it's also really fun. You have your whole life ahead of you and I am so proud of you for not killing yourself. Thank you for letting me live this awesome life in college. If I could describe the world of college in one word, it would be freedom. Freedom to be who you want, freedom to study what you want, and freedom to live how you want. This freedom can get out of control at times, but you will learn to reign it in and become the awesome student you know you have the ability to be. Don't give up. The work load gets easier as time goes on, and finals don't last forever. Power through, and I know you will be able to get that diploma like our parents never did. Be confident, be strong, and remember that the trials we face in our life are only temporary and they make us stronger in the end. Love, Jordyn
Dude! You have to apply to scholarships, you are going to be misserable if you dont have any money to spend! Fafsa is not enough, look for the scholarships there are a ton available for you just look for them. Also look for a steady- flexible job already you are going to have free time so take advantage of it. Also register for the honors college, dont be intimidated by the title honors anybody willing to make sacrifices can be an honors student. You are going to meet a lot of people so dont get to serious with anyone yet, you are going to have fun. Also take advantage of your moms food, everytime she cooks eat it all because im pretty sure you are going to miss those days.
I would tell myself to try my hardest to fully understand the subjects. I have come to find that each course build more and more on the last and a fully understanding of the material will lead to good grades, less confusion, and even less time spent in the following courses. Having a good understanding of each course not only does all these things, but will also prepare you for your actual work in your career. I would recommend saving your money because college is extremely expensive, and to put the proper time in you will not be able to work much, because you are a bit of a slow learner. Make sure to have fun when you can because the stress of school can be overwhelming almost daily, but don’t let fun get in the way of school or sleep. Sleep you will come to find is vital for focusing. You have a bright future ahead of you with many great memories. Work hard because it honestly pays off, and in full. Good luck.
Look here guy. get your act together. i know this stuff is boring and all that right now. but take it from me in a few years you'll be glad you barely passed high school because your gonna need a better education especially in a bigger city. your not as smart or good at whatever it is you think you are. theres always someone better and smarter than you. take this seriously because if you want a legit job you'll need to get it together.
If I were to see myself as a high school senior, I would tell them not to worry about what others think. Understanding that high school used to be a huge deal where you know who are the popular ones and who are not. Thinking back, I would have told this girl to take any opportunity that comes her way such as dating or volunteering at the hospital. Also, I would tell this girl not to worry about what others think, because in the long run, it's most likely that they will forget about what happens in high school. Also, not to worry about high school drama and losing friends, because in college, you always meet someone new almost everyday and will come to realize that you will care about academics instead of superficial things like clothing. Finally, I would tell her to simply have fun while she can.
Don't be shy and stay in your dorm room. Don't worry about best friends making other friends because you will make your own as long as you're social. Don't be pressured to drink or go to parties and go only if you're comfortable. JOIN CLUBS! They look great on any resume and in the long run volunteer work will get you places and connections. Also go to the gym and run around campus, doesn't sound like you now, but it'll be your favorite thing and nobody is judging! Get past your fears of being lonely, and not fitting in because everyone here is just as worried as you are. Lastly, your studying habits are going to have to change and fast. No more T.V. and texting it's time to put down the remote! You'll excel if you try and if you end up getting a couple of C's don't panic! Just try harder and always study in advance! But you'll learn from your mistakes and be almost glad you made them! That is because college is amazing!