University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences know before they start?


Never lose the drive or passion you have for an education. Don't allow others to make you question your choices. Stay strong and always keep your head up. Even if you have to go only part time to college, you are still going and keep your eye on the prize, your degree. Your education is something that no one can ever take away from you. All of your hard work, late nights of studying, missing out on fun with your friends, will all pay off one day. You're future is brighter then you can ever possibly imagine. You're friends will come and go, some will stay, but must will go. Don't let that stop you from what you want to achieve. You're family will support you, even if they may not always understand why you make certain decisions. But they love and support you none the lest. Keep an open mind it will go far. Stop and listen, cause no, you don't know everything. And just be happy. When you graduate know you did the best you could in everything that was in front of you!


I would tell myself not to worry about College. It is not as scary as everyone makes it out to be. Teachers will help you with any questions you have and they want the best for you. If you put your mind to it, everything is going to be okay.


The first and most important advice I would give to myself is to use my time in high school applying for scholarships, grants, and focusing on my education, grades, and ACT/SAT scores. The second most important advice I would give to myself is "Be Patient"! All life experiences do not have to be sought and completed in a few years, take your time, really learn the material, think outside the box, and take time to grow as a person and a student. I also would convince myself to attend my local college to get my prerequisites and live at home saving all my extra cash for the transition from the local community college to the 4-year university. I could have saved a lot of money if I had taken this route and not be looking at the accumulated debt I have currently.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to work much harder. Even though college may seem easier IT'S NOT!! You need to make sure you do the best that you can do, so that you can achieve all of the dreams that you want to achieve. I would also tell myself that everything is going to work out. Not to stress too much on the home life but to rather put more emphasis on school.


Look for a college that has the best reputation for the degree you want to pursue. Find a college that fits what you want from your college career. Do some research to find out which college and career are right from you.


the choice is up to you, the student. if the university has what you want, go for it. the university i chose was my first choice. i love it here. i am getting the education i want and need to be successful in life. get involved.


The right college is not always the "ideal" college. A college that has alot of parties and binge drinking may look good on the surface, but will it really prepare you for the future? A college that promotes socializtion in a positive way through volunteer work or group activities such as karaoke will allow you to unwind without hendering your studies. First of all you need to make a list of your overall goals. What do you want to be? What are your hobbies? What is your learning style? Do you want to live away from home or close? Even if you don't know what your career will be you can still find a college that will help you make that decision. If you find a college that provides the tools you need for success while still allowing time for your hobbies would be a good choice. Find a college that promotes diversity and has many fields of study. I mean college is close to the word collage, right? A collage has an assortment of ideas on it, so why not college? If it is the "right" college you will know what direction you want to go with ease.


The advice I would give to parents is to start a college fund for your child early because it can come in need when financial aid is not available or when there is hard time for the student. College is very expensive and if the child has to work and go to school at the same time that could be really diffult and a challenge. I think college is very important and should not be taken as high school. This is the beginning of your life or career. I would advise students to stay focus and work hard but at the same time have fun and enjoy yourself.