University of Bridgeport Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Bridgeport know before they start?


If I was able to talk to myself as a high school senior, there would many things I would tell my younger self. One of the first things I would tell myself is to apply for more scholarships. It would had saved me the stress of listening to parents nag and complain about me looking scholarships in addition to doing my college studies. Another thing I would tell myself is to develop better study habits. For the first twelve years of my education life, I never had to work hard to get the good grades. Before coming to college I had never sat down and really studied for a test or final. Now that my first semester of college ended, I see the bad results of my non-studying habits. Last, I would tell my younger self to be more open to break out of my shell a little faster than I normally do.


I would tell my self to reconsider the school you want to attend. Also, think about getting some internships done over the summer.


i would explain to myself that you need to take school much more seriously. pay attention in class, do the work. if i had done it then i would probably be much farther along. if i had done better in highschool it would have made my college experience much easier. when we are young we dont look at our future. now that i am older i have realized what the world is like, outside the comfort of the teachers pushing us to succeed. in college you are on your own. the teachers are not going to beg you to do the work. you dont do the work you will fail. life is much more difficult when you get older. if I had done everything right when i was in highschool, it would have made college much easier. the transitions between college and highschool is huge. i've come to realize highschool faculty is like a family. the push you to succeed. in college you need to push yourself, or you will fail.


I would talk myself into developing and sustaining a love for reading materials that are filled with onreous details and sometimes very little personal interest, except that the content is critical to the outcome of some personal objectives. This would help in sorting throught the many books, journals, research papers and other written materials that becomes a part of the whole college learning experience. I would also develop a proper study rythm that yields success and is capable of duplication. Finally, I would learn to tollerate that teacher that was such a dud, for the grade.


I would say to the high school senior, compartmentalize your life. Set specific goals and divide your time wisely between the to-do's in your life. Apportion enough time to the things that matter and develop a love for reading which will become a necessary tool for success in College.cultivate good friendships and cultivate in yourself the ability to get along with even the most impossible teachers and or fellow students. For they will be right there with you in college and often times the only teacher for a particular course that is critical for your degree.


When you leave for college, don't quit your job. Ask for a l.o.a. so when you go back, you can work for christmas break and summer. You need to reconsider living at an all girls campus because you don't function well with all girls around you. You will have a tragedy during your senior year, but don't let it affect your finals. It will make you very upset but you will make it through and you will have great happiness afterwards. You'll make it through, kid. Even though you and mommy don't get along now, you two will be fine and get along well when you leave for college. Keep your grades up because you will get a better scholarship for college. Your horses are high priority so remember to keep them in mind when you'd rather stay in bed all day or go off galavanting with your friends instead. Your friends won't all stay your friends, but your horses will always be there.


the advice i would give myself is go where you want to go, not where any one tells you to go.You must remember your college experience is your college experience. It is what you make of it. don't do anything to wild but have fun. College is yes another level of school but also a learning experience. choose wise when you choose the school you want to go to


I would have done a better job and took more time out when it came to visiting colleges and applying to ones that are better for my major.


Going back in time to talk to myself would indeed be a great help, assuming I could, to me in the way I went about my trasition tthat of a college student. Knowing what I know now I would have definately chosen a less expensive college and visited the school i chose before attending. I would also have definately applied for more scholarships. This experience for me taught me that you have to be careful and thoughtful in choosing a college and preparing for it. i wasn't properly prepared, looking back on the situation. I would have made sure to have myself financially secure before coming so that i could be ready. I would have told myself to look at the surrounding area of a college. this would have made college life alot easier.


Finding the right college is not as tough as many people make it out to be. There are a lot of online sources along with advisers at high schools that the family can talk to about making choices of what school has what you need in resources and academics. Know or have an idea of what who want to major in college and find a school that best suits what u want from that major. Figure out if the campus size and the surrounding community are right for you. Making a list of possible schools and then going to visit those institutes is another good way of making sure that the school is right for the student. Join clubs and get involved with school activities in and around the campus and the community to get the most of the college experience. Meeting and getting to know people of different backgrounds and different interests can not only help contribute to the outside life once college is completed but can make for a well rounded individual. Activities can also release stress accumulated though class work and test.