University of California-Berkeley Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of California-Berkeley accurate?


to a certain extent, these stereotypes are accurate. it all depends on how you look at each label and whether or not you're looking to validate each stereotype. bottom line at Berkeley: if you're looking for it, you can find it.


to an extent. all of these types of people do exist (admittedly in larger numbers than other places), but it can be a lot more normal than you think. sometimes, everyone is a little bit of all. and yes--berkeley is underfunded and overcrowded. academics are only competitive in the math/science realm.


1 Yes 2 Yes 3 Not really. 4 Only my friend Lacey, most people either grow pot or wear hemp, but not both. 5 Many of them are, but not all. 6 True, but what do I know.


I think that many people believe that Asian groups on campus are rather exclusive, and isolate themselves from other, racially different individuals and groups. The standard "athletes are dumb" and "fraternity/sorority types are dumb/jerks/sluts/mean" is one that is also generally held (and that has gone unchalleneged in my mind). People tend to dislike hipsters because often times they come off as snooty, with an attitude that they are better/smarter/have better taste than most. Co-opers are where you see the "hippie" stereotype live on. Many of these stereotypes are somewhat accurate, but there are always counter-examples if you look hard enough.


There are people who ascribe to these stereotypes at Berkeley, but they are not the common Berkeley student. Everybody is a nerd, obviously, if being a nerd means being uniquely interested in life. I think there is a little bit of everything at Berkeley. Whatever you are (even if you don't know who you are yet!) you will find your niche here.


The University is actually fairly mainstream on the liberal to conservative spectrum. While both the city of Berkeley and the Cooperative Students are still very radical in their positions, the average student seems to care mostly about good grades and their social life more than any conceptual agenda. The most common groups encountered on Sproul (the main plaza) are ethnic or religiously based and serve to raise awareness while providing a networknig chassis for the students of that culture. For the next rumor, students at Berkeley generally really dont look as good or act as cool as UCLA or UCSB kids. Berkeley goggles, the permanent lowering of standards to allow an acceptable frequency of physical intimacy, is a common condition which Berkeley grads acquire. That said, your competition for the few attractive souls goes way, way down. Berkeley is the best public institution reputation wise, although unless you actively take charge of your education you may do better going to a smaller, less prestigious school where you will have more time to actually engage with your professors. I personally have had at least half of my classes from brilliant, inscrutable professors who essentially forced me to teach myself the subject from the book; however, the genius of your fellow students in promoting thought and competitive motivation should not be underestimated. Finally, Berkeley (at the very least int he sciences) gets most funding frm research rather than teaching.


Not at all. UC Berkeley's past may be liberal, but much has changed since then. Plenty of activities abound for the liberal, moderate, or conservative. UC Berkeley students may not care much about appearances, but even smart people can be sociable. As for the drug use or hot students (or lack thereof), one should come and make a decision for himself/herself.


Mostly. Disproving my stereotypes: Maureen, a history major, does not wear glasses. I have one good friend who is an MCB major, but she hates it. Jason Wexler is cool. UC Berkeley is not full of hippies. In fact, I hate hippies.


While student activism remains a part of the student life at Berkeley, today's activism is quite different from that of the 1960s. The campaign season of 2008 is reawakening the political and social activism of the student body, which has become disillusioned in recent years. Many Berkeley students are of Asian heritage, and most Berkeley students are studious; however, Berkeley does have more to offer, though effort is involved.


While Berkeley in general retains its rigorous academic standards -- though as in any institution there are easier and harder paths -- the climate of the school has changed dramatically. I would say, contentiously, that for better or worse political activism has become passe at Berkeley, and that while many people are deeply engaged in it they themselves are seen as defying the norm by the vast majority of more apathetic students. With the loss of affirmative action and the great influx of Asian-American students held to much more stringent academic standards by their families, the focus has changed and the campus has fragmented; the various social groups, being so different from one another and lacking the cohesive force that existed decades ago, engage each other less. The norm is now defined by the hard-working student struggling through yet another disastrous o-chem midterm, all of whom cast a wary but tolerant eye at frat-going rugby dudebro and flamboyant hipster co-oper alike. Berkeley's magic remains, because its huge campus is always open to invasion whether by strange characters or wild ideas, but not all of even its students are aware. You have to be willing to leave your comfort zone to find it.

Mary Claire

Though there are naked people in trees and a population of environmentalists and vegans, Berkeley is not as liberal as people assume. Many students are socially conscious and are equally passionate about global issues as those on other campuses, but it's not as intense as people imagine. However, the local bums and "crazies" ARE intensely passionate. They'll yell at you about politics and even scream and tell you that you will burn in hell for not giving your life to Jesus, but these people are mostly just in Sproul Plaza on the south side of campus, and I have never seen anything turn violent. Addressing the stereotypes on students, I will say that coming from SoCal, your standards may lower. If you see someone attractive, it's probably because you've got your "Berkeley goggles" on-- there are a lot of ugly people. Also, I was one of the smartest students from my high school, but I feel pretty stupid next to most of my classmates. And yes, there are a lot of asians.


pretty much. even those who don't appear to be asian really are. deep down inside.


The truth is that campus today does not in any way resemble campus of the 1960s. The same political fringe groups that exist at Berkeley now exist at nearly every other campus in the U.S. (except BYU, I'd guess). What's left of the Age of Aquarius has been zoned to a 5-block stretch of Telegraph, and it's for tourists and freshmen anyways. You're just as likely to be harassed by the Campus Republicans as the Campus Democrats. The truth is that most Golden Bears are majoring in something useful or plan to be useful after graduation in a non-revolutionary way. The library's open until 2 AM nearly every night, and 24 hours during finals, and you can never get a seat with a sufficient buffer zone between you and the next guy's flash cards on German verbs, or engineering formulas, or whatever. I think that speaks volumes.


These stereotypes CAN be true, but another stereotype that is ALWAYS true is that Berkeley is diverse, and often immune to blanket statements about student population. Certain majors certainly have a majority of ugly, studious intellectuals adorned in musty sweatpants (EECS, cough), but you're really sure to find almost every type of character on campus. Even fringe personalities can find a match if you make your fringeness visible enough.


No. A large portion of Berkeley students are certainly liberal in their beliefs but most students are not very politically active and tend not to be interested in politics or activism much at all.


Like I said, you'll meet all kinds of people. This was valuable to me in my college experience - it's a huge part of learning.


Yes and no. I am white here and a minority. Most students are helpful not competitive.


1) Absolutely. 2) Sort of.


Berkeley is simply too big for those stereotypes to be accurate. Every social community has microcosms. There is a lot of freedom to be the person you want to be here, sometimes enough to push naturally shy or reclusive people over the edge. It's not as personal over here. There are hipsters, and frat bros, and athletes, and academics, and philosophers, and engineers, and businessmen and drunks. No one group rightfully holds the claim to what berkeley is.


Every stereotype has some basis in fact, and Berkeley is no exception. Students are smart. After all, they had to be to get in to Cal. The classes are big, but that is not a bad thing. Years of being under the microscope in high school made me desperate for a place like Berkeley. A place where I could make my own decisions and be responsible for my work. Nobody is going to make sure you turn in your homework or read you 700 page reader except you. Students are definitely liberal. Protests occur on campus on a regular basis. Basically, everyone gets an opportunity to voice their opinion. Living in Berkeley has influenced me to be more of what my parents would call a "hippie." I buy more organic foods, recycle every bottle, and try to live a greener existence. I consider this more to be a product of a greater knowledge of the world and human impact. I guess I can credit this to Berkeley, especially after taking Introduction to Development Studies.