The campus is very large with a large student body and can be pretty impersonal and hard to meet people. It is difficult to make friends in class or get to know your professors really well unless you are super motivated and make an effort. The class sizes are usually pretty big and it's easy to get lost in the crowd.
I believe the worst thing about my school is also the best thing, which is that it is very difficult. Being ranked so highly it must remain competitive and it sure accomplishes this.
I honestly cannot see anything bad about Berkeley, at first I thought it would be the hobos that live near the southern part of campus, but they are extremely friendly, interesting and wish the students luck in their exams.
The single worst thing about UC-Berkeley is the intense competition. Everywhere one turns one finds someone racing to the top. Although striving for the best is not bad, it can certainly be a problem when twenty five thousand other people want the same thing. The competition becomes tough and it is nearly impossible to relax in one’s academics because of the impending fear of failure. If there is one thing Cal students need to learn, it is to be content with what they have.
The worst thing about my school would have to be the immense competition. During my visit to Berkeley, I learned about weeder classes that weed out the weak students. These classes are a deterent to the progress of a student. Yet at the same time. the competition also makes people study and compete for their grades. Therefore, although there is a negative aspect of immense competition, there is a positive aspect as well.
Just the fact that so many things are focused around the athletes, some of whom are not good people and yet they get away with things. I sorta wish it was an equal playing field. Also I wish there was more availability to talk to teachers outside of classes, I've found that some of them give great advice in matters outside of school as well.
I personally really like UC Berkeley's teachers, campus, classmates and more but i n the beginning, i didn't like sharing a restroom/shower with other guys. At first it was really awkward because i wasn't used to the environment, but as you get to know your floormates and becomes friends, then it really isn't such a big deal. To avoid this problem, there are also other dorms that only have single sex floors so there wouldn't be an issue with sharing the restroom/shower with the opposite gender.
My school was large and impersonal. A person who does not belong to a specific group or organization can easily feel lost and alone. When these moments arise, there is very little breathing for a student to take time to pull herself together because classes move quickly and workload can pile up. Classroom competition in certain majors and fields can be especially disheartening and exacerbate this process. In addition, very little assistance is provided to students when it comes time to search for jobs or applying for higher degrees. Students are mostly left to fend on their own.
I have been frustrated with some of the university requirements as they require me to pay for classes that keep me from studying what I really want to study. Also due to its size, it can be difficult to actually talk to someone who can help you plan out your college career, plan for your major etc. The worst thing about my school though would have to be its increasing price tag, and decreasing public availability.
The worst thing about Berkeley is that it is very difficult to find any club that isn?t race-oriented. There are Asian clubs, Latino clubs, White clubs, but mixed-race clubs are rarely seen. This happens because Berkeley can be a large place, and people are trying to find where they fit best. Instead of going out and exploring, people choose what is easiest, and safest, and stick to their ?own.? People choose clubs with a racial majority similar to their own because of fear of the unknown. We only unite during protests.
At first I thought dirty and broken bathroom stalls and mysterious looking cafeteria food were evenly the worst things about my school, until I thought about the homeless people throughout the school's neighborhood. Personally, homeless people make me feel useless and uncomfortable. There were times where I was scared to walk alone because every corner there is a homeless person begging for food or fighting another homeless for food. Other times, I felt so useless and guilty because there were homeless teens or young adults my age.
The sheer size of the school makes everything somewhat of a battle: getting into good /popular classes, parking, getting to know your professors, etc.
The work load is a lot. Hard to get good grade. A lot of homeless people around.
The bureacracy, the random clashes with narrow minded individuals or groups, and the appropriation of liberal images and aspects of revolutionary movements that were opposed by the university initially being co-opted as propaganda decades later to promote Berkeley as a "liberal" place.
Where it is . Because I am studying in college of management , it is not in the city , so I would like to study where I could have a job and do something interest.
nothing. ilove my school
It's easy to get lost in the crowds of students. Don't worry about standing out, just make a connection with as many of your professors and TA's as you can. Also, don't think that whatever you study in college will determine how the rest of your life works out because believe me, people that are actually working at whatever they got their 4-year in are few and far between! Use college to develop your analytical skills and explore your options.
All the hills I have to walk up to get to classes.
Currently, the worst thing about UC Berkeley is the current financial state in which the president is enacting budget cuts and increased tuition. The great amount of research, for which Cal is renowned, may be in jeopardy, and the quality of our education is also in peril. As zealous students, we believe that there are better ways to allocate funds and manage the budget in order to improve our experience, even in the current economic crisis.
A lot of people are hypocritical in their supposed open-mindedness; people have strong opinions.