The kind of people who shouldn't attend Berkeley are people who don't like large universities and can't handle large lecture classes. Its part of the Berkeley experience, I believe, especially freshman year. Also, while a little bit of intimidation of the competition is healthy towards working hard for a good grade, people who are severely intimidating could find it crippling. On the whole however, Berkeley suits a large majority of people, and its all about going out there and finding your niche.
I don't know if there is any one type of person who should not attend this school. Perhaps someone who does not like an urban environment, or someone who would be unprepared to forego socializing for studies. But really I think all kinds of people can be really happy here.
Someone who hates rain and cold weather, who hates studying and tends to be a Type B person, and/or someone who does not fare well under high pressure and little sleep.
Someone who is used to smaller settings and would be unconfortable with getting lost amongst the "many" would definitely not be a good fit at this school. It is very easy to be lost amongst the lot, especially if you never find a particular place to fit in and meet people and feel welcome. This also goes for large classes. It is easy to feel like a nobody in a class with 500 students, but if each student got help from professors or TA's, it's easier to keep up.
Someone who thinks college is all fun and parties and isn't willing to work hard.
A person who is afraid to come out of his comfort zone. The students who attend Cal are very outgoing and believe that in order to suceed, one must be able to study as well as be involved in extra activities. Someone who is afraid to make a mistake or choose a wrong path would not be one to thrive here. Learning is about making mistakes and learning from them as well as being able to achieve perfection.
UC Berkeley has a very competitive atmosphere and classes are very rigourous. Someone should not attend this school if they have not had a rigourous course load during high school or community college. Also, Berkeley's atmosphere is fairly liberal, so having an open mind and respecting others perspective is important, otherwise if you are not open minded this school is probably not the right fit. Berkeley is in the middle of the city of Berkeley, so if someone doesn't like an urban environment then this is probably not the school for you.
This school is great for anyone with an open mind so if you are very stubborn it might be difficult to live here. Anyone can attend this school since you are eventually part of all of the things going on and will find a group of people who are just like them.
Anyone who doesn't take education seriously or has a love for learning.
Someone who likes the beach and sun.
Someone that has more than career and ambition in mind should attend this school. This university does a good job in exposing students to life beyond academics through its diversity and, at the same time, unique cultures. You grow and learn a lot outside the classroom.
some one who likes private insitutions with small classes
I think everyone should attend UC Berkeley because there is so much to learn that no matter how open-minded you are (or not), it will be an educational experience both within and without the classroom.
The type of person that should not attend this school is the lazy, uninterested, and arrogant person; the type of person who thinks they do not need the education or the school.
A close minded person who is very set in their ways should not attend this school. I believe that many classes challenge you to think differently and be extremely accepting.
Someone who is looking for a small, closed campus. Berkeley is somewhat of a gigantic bureaucracy, and no one is going to listen hard for your voice unless you make yourself proactive.
lazy. not into school. anti social. people not open to other views.
Any student who wants to learn, live in a very liberal environment and live in a place that has lots to do and see.
In order to understand the kind of person who should not attend Berkeley, you must understand the kind of student that does attend Berkeley. The majority of students here share similar attributes: they have a rough plan of what they are going to do with their lives for the next 5-10 years career-wise; they take academics very seriously, to the point where that might mean sacrificing their weekends to study in the library; finally, they are so goal-oriented that even if you aren't yourself, you would be inspired to do so just by being around them.
Honestly, there are all types here.