There is no place to go shopping.
The worst thing about UC Davis, has nothing to do with its academics--rather where it is located. There is a dramatic change in temperature with the change of season in Davis. Summers are unbearably hot, while winters are rainy and cold. However, school is not about weather it is about academics. And UC Davis is the place to go if you're interested in learning and becoming successful.
The thing that I consider the worst about my school is the amount of paperwork needed for me to attend. I understand that this is necessary for any school but I have found that compared to my friends attending other colleges I have been doing much more. I understand that I have to but I do not like doing it and wish that it was a little easier to attend my university.
The worst thing about UC Davis is the lack of ethnic diversity here. On campus, I see a large majority of white and asian students, and some hispanic students. However, it is a rarity to see an African American or Native American student. We have great programs here for cross cultural education, but the actual diversity of students does not really have the need for so many programs to be of use.
The worst part about the school would have to be it's location. This is because of a few reasons. Firstly, being in California as a UC, we face drastic fee increases making paying for school a huge problem. Secondly, being a small town in the countryside leaves the students with not much to do on the weekends. Lastly, the location means, not the best weather.
The overall cost of college is the most displeasing aspect of UC Davis, but then again, what college isn?t? Although the fees are great, as expected in any university, UC Davis offers options of payments and internal as well as external resources for financial aid. However due to the increasingly large number of students, not everyone who seeks financial aid has their needs met.
I consider the worst aspect of my school to be the high level of college competition between different ethnicities and in all of your classes. The competition is so high that makes it difficult to excel at a University.
The worst thing about UC Davis is the constantly increasing financial pressure. The Regents of California (who dispense money to the UCs) have drastically cut funding to the campus. Already in the year of 2009, the Regents have also raised tuition an amazing 33{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}. The stress that this hike puts on the students is immense. Many, including myself, already struggle to pay fees. This new demand intensifies the fear that more fee hikes will come, and that the college will eventually be too expensive to attend. The dreams of many anxious students are on the line.
The worst thing about my school is that thousands of students ride bikes everyday and there are a lot of bike circles around that are very dangerous. I've already been in one bike accident and don't want to repeat the experience.
The worst thing about my school is the inability to register for some classes that are needed to graduate. The recession has forced the school to cut back on a lot of much needed classes.