University of California-Davis Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of California-Davis?


That all students are just out of high school and that they don't have any opinions about the environment or government.


That there's nothing to do here and there are a lot of cows and farming. People assume that since its a small college town there's not much to do here.


I haven't really heard that many stereotypes - the biggest one is just that Davis is a completely agricultural town and that there isn't a whole lot going on in the area. People assume that we're surrounded by cows and pastures, with out anything else.


That we're hicks, we tip cows and go ice blocking. The the school is only sciences. That the whole place is just 30 people.


Cows; I hear this all the time. The fact is we have a bovine center doing pretty important research on Bovine populations, health, etc. A lot of us eat cows, so it's real important to keep up with understanding growth hormones, calf development, etc. Also, I hear there's nothing to do in Davis. I wish sometimes there was less to do; I'm always hopping from even to event. We have over 30,000 students in a city with around 60,000 people, so 2+2=? Young people party, dance, kick poetry, host bands, ski and snowboard, cruise to san francisco or sacramento, or otherwise make up random and fun things to do on their own, no to mention the clubs and orgs bringing tons of consciousness, activism, and change to our school, our community, our state...and our nation.


party, frat boy, sorority girl, gamer, cut-throat, shark, naive


I'm not sure about stereotypes of actual students, but alot of people who don't go to Davis say "Davis is in the middle of nowhere".


One stereotype is that we go cow tipping. Another is that we all want to be veterinarians.


that the people are laid back and friendly, but also that davis can be boring.


Two stereotypes are that Davis is a boring school and there's nothing to do.