school is too big, they should just compress the whole campus
too much school pride, 3 out of every 5 ppl wear davis stuff
-I love the environment at UCD-the campus, ARC, and the way it is set up.
-The one thing I would change is providing more classes for students especially for the majors in high demand. This places a bad situation for many, including myself, in waiting to take higher division courses by next quarter or next year because of the overload of students. I hate being place in this situation because it postpones my graduation date.
-I think my school is just right
-People react in a good way and think highly of UCD, which I love.
-I spend most of my time in the lounge or study rooms at the MU area.
-The community at Davis is very supportive and dedicated. There are banners all over the community and the stores around there also support the students and gives great deals.
-There is school pride but wished it was much more involvement that took place like Standford.
Most of my time is spent at the library or at my apartment studying....studying takes a lot of my time. I do like to spend time at the arc.......its a great gym with a great atmosphere. You can take classes fitness classes as well as work-out by yourself. There isnt a pool there but there is one in hickey gym or across the street called the rec pool that is available. A variety of machines are available as well as racquet ball courts, basketball courts, and badmitten area.
The best thing about UC Davis in my opinion is the diversity of people. You could ask me to summarize the typical UC Davis student and I could not come close to narrowing it down to even five or ten different types of people. People of widely varying age and ethnicity can be found at any moment anywhere on campus. This pretty much just keeps things interesting and gives you the feeling that it is a serious, non discriminatory, academic community that serves to reach all people. As far as size goes, the UC Davis campus and student body are enormous. The enrollment is somewhere around 35,000 students, and the campus is by far the largest of all the UC campuses if not the largest in college campus in California. This benefits me though, because I prefer a sense of anonymity in my education; I got enough close quarter education in high school and I prefer this much more. Overall, Davis is a diverse, all inclusive, fun, interesting, stimulating place. Every facet of college life is covered here.
The best thing about UCDavis is the tight knit community in the small college town atmosphere. The town is so accommodating to the students that it makes it easy to have a community of students. The town itself is so proud to have the university in their town that they are welcoming to all students. It is a large school but seems small because there are so many ways to get involved and find your niche on campus.
the big picture is: davis is a great place to go to college. i was hesitant to go there at first, but now really enjoy it. the whole community is very friendly to students and is built around the college.
The best thing about UC Davis is the homey and comfortable atmosphere. I feel like everyone can find their niche on campus and find their own personal favorite study spot. If I could change one thing it would be a heightened sense of school pride on the large front. I wish there were more student traditions that had a large hype every year. I don't think Davis is too large at all. I seem to run into the same people over and over. What typically happens is you start taking classes with the same people and sort of go through everything with them. One thing I'll never forget is picnic day. I got to milk 2 cows and thats just not something that everyone can do on their college campuses.
The best thing about Davis is that after you are here for a little while, you get to know a lot of people and you see people you know everywhere...or people that know people you know. Many people spend a lot of time in Davis rather than outside of it because everything here is college student friendly and that means that you get to know PEOPLE really well. By your fourth year, you will be out at the bars downtown and everyone there will be people you know or have seen around campus. Everyone is really friendly. This is an environment that you will not find anywhere else. The people you will meet here and the connections you will make will make your college experience really great.
However, you do have to take some initiative. UCD is a big school (although by the end it wont feel that way at all) and you need to make some effort to be a part of SOMETHING to make your experience worthwhile. Join the greek system - its fun and not as crazy as it is at other school, or join student government, or get an on campus job. There are a lot of opportunities. Also, pre-professional sororities or fraternities are a great way to go.
Again, being a large campus you will find that many of your intro classes your first year or two will probably be pretty big. But they go way down in size after that. Once you get into your major you will get to know people in your major that will be in most of your classes and you will get to know professors. The best thing to do is to take initiative to sign up for multiple classes with the same professor so they can get to know you. And go to office hours! Talk to people in your classes. Sit in the front row or near the front if you can. It gets easier by your 3rd and 4th year and with some majors you will feel just as connected as you did in high school.
I spent most of my time near the Quad area (by the memorial union) on campus. Actually, this is where most people spend their time. There is the well known coffee house right in front of the quad where you will be guaranteed to run into people you know if you walk through there or sit there to study. That is one of two main gathering areas on campus.
Also, I spent a lot of time at the Activites and Recreation Center (ARC). This is one the BEST things about campus. It is a newly built huge two-story fitness center complete with a spacious main workout room (with new equiptment), indoor track, indoor raquetball courts, indoor basketball court, machines on the second floor, and great group exercise classes that are just for students! There are also some computers you can use for free near the entrance to check your email on the way into or out of the ARC, a snack shop, and two study rooms. You can practically live there if you wanted to!
Again, Davis is definitely a college town. Its very bike friendly...lots and lots of bikes here! Also, you will see some of your professors biking or walking to class. After your first year you can have a car but there are buses that are free to students provided by the student government that come by many areas of davis every 10-15 minutes and take you to campus, so you dont really need a car necessarily. Most people take the bus or bike to school.
Davis's administration can be a handful sometimes. It may take a while to actually get what you want or figure things out because the campus is big and you will probably get re-directed a time or two. But thats to be expected of a large campus. This is a downside.
There is a lot of school pride, more than you would expect for sure. People ride around on golf carts with signs promoting different sports games. Basketball is big, as is football. Football is actually really big now, especially after the new stadium was built last year. We also moved up to Division I in football I believe so we are very competitive.
Some students complain that there isn't much to do on weekends. This can be true. You have to take initiative to plan things out but there are always concerts or entertainment events of some sort going on. Most of the time you will be at a house party or out at the bars downtown...its a unique experience though to be in a city where almost everyone is your age. Once you turn 21, it gets a whole lot more fun as you can go dancing and drinking at the bars.
its definitely a college town the city is mainly made up of students and you make friends very easily everyone in the same major basically know each other it pretty cool. there is definitely a lot of school pride....i medan who wouldn't be proud to go to one of the top 50 schools in the world.
It's really hard to really give someone who has never been to Davis an idea of what it is like. The campus itself is pretty big, but Davis is also the bike capital of the US, so getting around the town or the city is never an issue. Since I live on campus, I spend most of my time on campus, and I get the feeling that most students do, regardless of where they live. When I don't have a lot of homework or studying, I usually bike over to the Coffee House, right next to the quad to get something to eat and hang out with my friends. The only complaint I really can think of is that the weather here changes all the time. We don't get snow, but we get lots of rain, wind, or heat, depending on if its winter, fall, or summer. But most of the time the weather isn't an issue.
One thing I didn't expect when coming to Davis was that there is such a big social community. Not everyone chooses to party in college, but at Davis I think a pretty big percentage of students go out on the weekends. There's at least one big party going on almost every weekend, most of which occur at fraternity houses. I think around 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the students on campus join a fraternity or sorority which is a life changing experience.