University of California-Riverside Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of California-Riverside?


That we are weak academically because of our very high acceptance rate and that we are a commuter school. Don't deserve to be called a UC or the "bastard" of the system.


Some stereotypes about UC riverside students is that they are the rejects of all the UC students since it is ranked on the bottom compared to all the other UC's. However, what people don't know is that UCR is improving in its courses offered and the campus is adding new structures as well, making UCR a more pleasant school to attend. When people think of UCR students, they think of slackers since they think that UCR is an easier college compared to all the other UC's. We actually do have alot of tough courses here and the business administration is one of the best programs offered in the whole UC system.


UCR is in the middle of no where (true) UCR is boring(true) UCR sucks (true) UCR sucks because we only have a few good teachers..... (true) Average students in UCR graduate in 5 years (true, not cause the students are dumb, but the teachers and administrative ppl are stupid) i am ugly (false)


The stereotype is that UCR is not the brightest or the best UC. As the lowest ranked school in the UC system, it is often seen as the "catch-all" net. It is where everyone who meets the general UC requirements gets accepted automatically. So the acceptance rate is double that of, say, Berkeley. It's also seen as one of the less visually impressive schools. Riverside itself is seen as an ugly area - images of dirt, smoggy air, and fenced in horses.


One of the stereotypes that I have encountered throughout the years is the notion that students at Riverside dont want to be there. In all honesty we have a wide range of diverse and competitive students that had Riverside as their first pick as a University.