Students should go visit all the schools and talk to students before they make their decision about college.
When trying to find the right college, one should consider finances, class availability, the availability of majors and the potential to graduate on time. Trying to make the most of a college experience would come from taking part in as many social activities as one can, attending campus sponsored events and school sports. socializing with classmates to make friends as resources to help one's class performance and to brighten their social life.
Let the students choose their own future in order for them to make the most of their college experience. Students are more prone to seek opportunities if they choose their work area. Make sure the college the student chooses has many different degree opportunities in case they change their major in the future. School work is important, but so is the social and fun life. Make sure the campus has some activities that make the student participate and gain school spirit. This creates an environment that is more student based and would create activities for those who commute as well as live on campus. The facilities also play a role. Students usually don't stay in a library smelling like old books with computers slower than their laptops. Try to find a place with more updated and recent technology, enhancing the environment for a students study time.
Try not to slack. Things get really tempting because attendance isn't mandatory or enforced. Try to do things on your own and don't rely on others for studying or homework. Do it yourself
Upon graduation, every high school is plagued by that same common question: What are you going to do now? If one is like many students, he or she will most likely decide to go to college and this is a decision one will not regret. Every student and parent's main concern is trying to decide which college to attend. In choosing a college, there are superficial factors such as costs. However, one should seek a college that caters to your interests and needs. Some students seek well-known colleges, but all that means is bigger classrooms with less one-on-one interactions with professors.
To make the most out of college, one should take a variety of electives. Since the point of college is to get an education, one might as well learn. Also, get involved in campus events such as sports, student groups or fraternities and sororities. Soak up the campus atmosphere by eating at local restaurants, go to clubs, and mingle with students. Attend special lectures, plays etc. Most importantly, visit your professor during office hours. There?s no such thing as too many references for your letters of recommendations.
Make sure you visit the schools you have applied to and the schools that interest you the most by name. You may find a school you thought you would never have wanted to attend to seem pretty nice after visiting. No matter what college you go to, it's what you make out of it. You have to make the most out of it.
Go to the college, visit the town, meet the people and see if you enjoy being on campus. You're going to be there for quite awhile.
The advice I would give to parents about their child finding the right college would be to make sure you don't pressure them to go to a school that they don't want to. I would also advise that the parents allow their child to explore all of their options so that they can be happy and comfortable with their decision. Just don't tell them what they should do or where they should go. The advice I would give for students is to choose a college that you can see yourself at for 4 years, and don't just pick one because it close or far away. Upon arrival at the college of choice, I would advise students to balance school work with play time and recreation. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having fun but make sure you balance it with hard work. Also don't over work youself without a break and some fun. This should allow them to be a well rounded and successful college student.
I think the best advice I can give for finding the right college, you really have to visit the campus. Meeting with someone who can give you a tour around and sitting in on classes can give you the best idea of what the whole campus is all about. Going around camputs is really the only way you can tell if you feel at home on the campus and this is most important because the college you choose will be your new home. Getting involved in groups and internships is the best way to get involved and make the most of your college experience. If you really enjoy some extra cirricular activity such as band go and find out how to audition and work it into your schedual. Making time for the extras makes meeting new people and feeling like you belong much easier. It also looks excellent on your applications and resume. Taking time out for yourself and relaxing is just as important as scholastic work, but remember to balance yourself, time management is a major key to success. College is all about becoming your own person, so learn to pursue what makes you happy.
Don't pick a school that is too far away from your family because most people feel lonely and get depress when going too far away to college from their home. This could affect students to focus and unable to learn and experience good things offer in college. It doesn't matter what school you go to as long as the school is decent and that you get good grade. This to me is very important because without good grade, one can be at the most famous school and can feel like a loser because there are too much pressure and compition at those expensive and well-known school.