University of California-Riverside Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known how much debt my undergraduate degree was going to cost me. When I first enrolled UCR gave me a great financial award but once I reached my second and third year I only received financial aid from the pell and cal grants, UCR reduced its grant assistance it gave me at first. I also wish I would have known how to adapt to the college social life more.


I wish I had known that unlike high school, most of the learning takes place outside the classroom because that is where you are expected to engage with your assigned texts and to secure a deeper understanding of the information provided to you by the professor in class.


How hot it really gets here during the first quarter.


I wish I had known how hard it would be. Coming from a community college, I felt a bit overwhelmed by the quality and quantity of work expected from me. I don't blame the university, I applaud them for challenging me. I am better because of their expectations.


I wish I had known that housing would be so difficult to deal with and uncommunicative to boot.


I wish I had known more about fininacial aid and how much it would cost to attend a 4 year university as opposed to a state college. I probably could have saved a lot more money by just staying home.


i wish i had known better ways to prtepar myself and also have had the knodlege of scholarships so that i could get money to have the education i deserve.


Before I came to this school, I wish that I would have known that time management is very important to succeed in college. When I entered college my time was inbalanced and much of it was wasted on having fun and being with friends. Time management is very important and I wish that I would have known so my GPA could have been way better than it is today.


Without a job, license or a car, living at home, and paying for tuition with the reminants of my summer job money I would have wished to know many things before I came to UCR. How to survive, would probably be the best one. Or to prepare for how hard this "college" thing would be. I wonder, would I have chosen to come if I'd known? With my dreams at stake, even though I'm broke, and can't live the "fun" lifestyles of other college kids, I would have, undoubtly, just for the chance to achieve something greate.


I wish I had known that I wasn't going to be recieving as much financial aid every year as I had recieved my Freshamn year. I believe the school offered so much in the beginning simply to attract me into attendance. I also wish I had known that the city surrounding campus isn't safe and doesn't contain many attractive acitivities for the students in town.