University of California-San Diego Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of California-San Diego?


I brag about how it is so close to the beach and how beautiful the weather is. Most of my friends are staying in San Jose, so I brag about going far away to southern California to go to school.


One of the most attractive features of UCSD, is the beautiful scenery that surrounds the school. The beach is only a five minute walk from campus.


it was very competative and pushed me to be a better student. i am proud to have been taught by respected researchers and people who are at the top of their field.


It's a really nice campus and we have one of the best west coast hip hop competitions hosted here in UCSD.


The speed of internet access can go up to 8mb/sec!!


The bright blue sunny days with little to no clouds in the sky and the accessibility to clean beaches


When I tell friends about UCSD, I am most proud of the individual college communites. I belong to Sixth College and I appreciate thier dedication to students and that they are always willing to help and offer different programs and seminars to get students involved as much as possible while providing infomration about the campus, programs and expectations.


I go to a prestigious, research-based school that is really famous for its science programs.


that it is the second best Bioengineering school in the country


The up and coming research coming from UCSD. The high-quality level of teachers.