University of California-Santa Barbara Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I myself am in Alpha Phi at UCSB. One of the best things i have been a part of i love it andall the girls in the house. Greek life is a great way to meet people with similar interests and meet life long friends. Although i am greek, it is not my whole life as with most greeks at UCSB. Because UCSb is so social it is very easy to have a busy social life without being greek. Many people leave their doors open and i have not heard much about theft. Very big about soccer!!!Gaucho Locos are crazy at soccer and basketball! There is such a wide variety of clubs and organizations to join, anything you can think of i can almost guarantee we have something invovling it. Something that has stuck with me is that it is great sometimes that UCSB is a party school because it is that much easier to stay in. You will never really miss that sinlge big party because there will always be something the next night. Dating scene is really based on hook ups, hard to have a steady relationship in the first couple of years. Long distance seems even harder here.


The Greek systems is increasing in popularity and size on the UCSB campus. While only around 11{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student population before, its numbers have reached 15{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} and are climbing. I am a member of the Alpha Phi Sorority, which a top-ranked sorority on campus. Students in the dorms generally leave their doors open and unlocked. The environment is very safe and friendly. Athletic events are moderately attended, going back to the minimal school spirit of the school. However, when the soccer team does well, people will often come out...maybe. If you are awake at 2am on a Tuesday night you are either coming back from Q's downtown (if you're 21), studying, or usually...drinking.


The Greek system is a small population on campus, I believe around 15{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}, but I would like to think we're pretty well known. Our philanthropies are attended by many none Greeks and we invite everyone to join! The Soccer Team and Surf Teams I would say are pretty popular, as well as Volley Ball, Lacrosse, and Basketball. The dorms are a great experience and every Freshman should take advantage of them. I met two of my best friends and sisters in the dorms and many other great people who I still keep in contact with while living in Isla Vista. Some traditional events that happen each year would be Floatopia, Halloween of course, Earth Day, and Sorority and Fraternity Rush. Signs are posted all over campus when big events happen so everyone is aware of it. If students are concerned about having a good time and not drinking, there are always great restaurants in IV and movie rentals for a quiet night. There is a movie theater, and a Borders near by. A bowling alley is right off the freeway, and state street with shopping, more restaurants and more movie theaters is about a 15 minute drive away! Its pretty easy to snuggle up with friends and watch movies, it isn't all about going out and getting crazy. But for those that choose to live the on the go lifestyle, I would say 5 out of 7 days someone could always find something to do.


Theres always something going on somewhere at anytime - so there's no excuse to sit at home on the couch with nothing to do!


Join the greek system!!!! Growing up biased negatively toward the greek system, I can say first and foremost to keep an open mind. Going Greek i is by far the best experience hands down. I joined Alpha Phi my freshman year, and I am absolutely in love it. I am thrilled to be a part of a greater whole because of all the values Alpha Phi stands for. And of course, I have met my best friends who would do absolutely anything for me. It is a great feeling to know that if anything goes wrong in my life (and believe me, college throws a lot of curveballs at you), I have 120 girls beside my side. The dating scene is, well, nonexistent. Guys have definitely been lazy in that area, so girls, bring up the standard. You won't find much people doing anything besides drinking on a Saturday, but when I want down time, me and my girls go out to a movie and fro yo.


The greek community is a decent size here, but it is not as crucial for a social life unlike other schools. I am in Associated Students, it is cool but it is really hostile because many different backgrounds clash. I think people are too busy partying to care about athletics. The dating scene is mostly casual hook-ups, which sucks. University of Casual Sex and Beer. I met my closest friends through my sorority, AXO. People party everyday here, it's kind of a huge problem.


The group I am most familiar with is the Greek Life ucsb offers here. I am apart of a sorority on campus and that is how I choose to invest most of my time. I make it a big part of my life and find all of my closest friends and social events in the Greek System.


Social life is what UCSB is all about and the majority of students who come here know this and are open to it. In the dorms, everyone is friendly with doors open and big groups of freshmen are often seen roaming the streets of IV together trying to find a party (be careful when doing this because you WILL get water ballooned) There are 10 sororities and 10 Fraternities on campus that are recognized by panhellenic. Rush is usually the first week of fall quarter.


I love being a part of greek life. It made the transition so much easier. Although greek life isn't a huge {4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of UCSB social life, when you are apart of it it feels huge. The stereotype that comes with this is lots of drinking, but not at all. I spend so many times just sitting in the dining commons with my sisters & our friends in other sororities & fraternities or doing the community service hours. I have some friends that do not even drink yet still have a great time at events & have just as many friends. UCSB associated students also plans tons of activities, you just have to be proactive about getting involved.


Dorms are a great place to meet your closest friends over the next 4 years. My RA (Resident Assistant) was amazing, and I consider her a great friend. Everyone gets really close, and it's great to live in a co-ed dorm, so you can make good friends of the opposite sex too as opposed to just meeting them when you're out partying. It's really easy to get involved in things. I did Mock Trial this past year and we went to Nationals. Everyone was really friendly and helpful. Our coaches are from the DA's office. It's a great way to get know faculty and meet mentors. I was interested in getting involved in Model UN and so I Facebooked someone I saw in the paper and invited me to a meeting that night. I'm also in a sorority. Only 8{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student population is Greek and we always get the stereotypes. However, there's so much to get involved, so many people to meet, and so much to do! It's awesome. You can definitely find that smaller community feel. Our sorority just teamed up with a bootcamp workout company to come to us to work out. We wouldn't have that opportunity if we weren't in a house.