University of California-Santa Barbara Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of California-Santa Barbara know before they start?


When I was in high school I was used to my teachers, parents, and counselors guiding me throughout my educational goals, constantly telling me what to do. I was used to having someone there telling me what was good for me and what was not. Teachers constantly reminding us to do our homework and how important it was to do our work. Now as I know more about college life I would tell myself to get ready for college because once you start you are on your own. There is noone telling you what to do and if you need help you ask for it. College is about time management; time is very important because we cannot stay behind in reading assignments and big papers to write. The decisions we make in college will effect your future, choose your major when you know for sure that it is something you would love to study. Lastly I would tell myself to be confident and have fun because the college life will be over before you know it!


I would tell myself to experience everything and not rule anything out. As a freshman I was scared to death of going outside of my comfort zone, so I missed out on almost a whole year of meeting people, experiencing cultural activities, and on improving my G.P.A. Looking back now, I regret not being more involved. This year (my second year) I almost felt like I was starting over, because there was nothing substantial that I could look back on. So basically - embrace the transition to college. Yes, it's scary, but so many other people are going through the same journey that you are, that you can embark upon it together. Try out many new things, but stay true to yourself, and don't let anyone else tell you who you are. Stay on top of your grades, go to professors' office hours, and have fun! Oh, and forget about boys!


Plan ahead and stay focused.


I wish I had known the effort it takes to excel in college. Classwork and homework had always come naturally to me in high school, so once I got to college, I did not realize the effort it takes to still do well. Often times, I find myself wishing I could turn back time and start college again, getting the grades I know I am capable of. It is also extremely difficult to attend a school that has a reputation for being a party school. When I tell people which school I go to, they automatically assume that I have become a party zombie who goes to an easy school and just parties on the weekends, which is untrue, because my college is extremely difficult and I do not party regularly. So I wish I had known this so that I could mentally prepare for constantly being reminded that I attend a school with this kind of reputation. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love UCSB, but sometimes I wish it was just a little bit easier. But then that wouldn't really be life, would it?


The best advice I could give my high school self is not to stress out as much about college. After all the effort I put into college applications my senior year, all to have it fall apart at the last minute due to a family emergency, I can honestly say that after graduation that GPA ceases to be important. Even for those who went off straightaway to a four year university struggled with the transition, and many changed their future plans within their first year there. I took my time, stuck it out at community college, and it was a really amazing experience for me. I would tell my senior self just to calm down, because the truth is I would have succeeding no matter where I went, but now that I've made it to UCSB I feel really prepared for whatever comes at me. It's only been my first quarter, and there were some challenges, but I overcame them and feel great about how this year is shaping up!


I would tell myself that college is part of the polishing process that matures and prepares you for the world outside; so much of what you learn is how you learn, and what you want to learn. I would encourage myself to try out new interests and make new friends; I would remind myself that I can grow and change as a person without giving up all of my personal values. Most importantly, I would tell myself that failing is just as much of the learning experience as succeeding is if not more so.


Have more confidence in yourself because you really are as prepared as you are going to be to enter college. It truly is a learning experience and you will not know what you will face until you get there. Everything you think you know about yourself is not true. College is going to break everything down for you so that you can rebuild it back up again.


I would give myself the advice to embrace everything that college has to offer.


Try your hardest in every single class and make sure you get all A's and B's, and don't slack off in college. Go to every lecture and every section, do all the readings and hw and take good notes.


In college you are given many opportunities which you can explore. Going to a college far away from home is an excellent idea. .Living on campus is a great experience. You get to develop a close friendship with your roommate/s. You get to meet book authors, activists, you get to travel, and study abroad. I would advice myself to accept challenges, go to college and experience a new life. Work effectively and make the best of it. Take chances and explore. Specially get to know people. When professors offer extra credits, take it even if its 1 credit. It'll be extremely helpful. Dont worry about the difficulty of classes. You'll be fine. Always attend classes. Don't make the same mistake most college students do of not attending class until midterm and final thinking the class is easy. many professors tend to give exams based on lectures. This could lower your grade. Just don't stress, work hard, make time for everything, and always ask for help. Don't wait til last minute when it's too late. It is going to be a little bit more difficult than high school but everything has a recompensa (reward).