University of California-Santa Cruz Top Questions

Describe the students at University of California-Santa Cruz.


There is literally and endless amount of diversity in UCSC, the latino groups are very active and dominant, well not dominant as most student due seem to be white, but nearly all of the student government is latino and it's a very tight knit group at Santa Cruz. Religion isn't such a big deal at santa cruz, christians are kind of scoffed at, but mostly just behind their backs. Christians might feel a little out of place as well as African-Americans, since there's such a small population of both, as well as conservatives. Some types of different students interact, but there is a pretty distinct division among those student who like to drink and smoke and those who don't. And then there are those who are ambitiously involved in school activities, such as sport and student government and studying and those who aren't, other then that everyone really interacts. At the four tables there are the people talking about a party and how they're going to get alcohol tonight, most of these kids are white, are from LA or areas around there and have money. There are the hippie stoners who are all also half rastifarian, they're stoned out their minds. Then there are a group of latino student who dress very simply, talk quietly and laugh annoyingly loudly, many of them are involved in student government, then there is at the last table the sciencey kids, kind of nerdy but not that nerdy, many of them are very smart do really well in school and most of them like to drink occassionally and do drugs occassionally but on about once a week, if even that. There is mostly people of lower and middle income going to Santa Cruz, mostly middle, but there is also a distinct group of people from the upper class. UCSC is very politically aware, almost all the way to the left, and no most students don't talk about how much money they're going to make one day.


i have found that many groups on campus are open and inviting to anyone who is interested in their cause. all different types of people interact with each other. students on campus are definately active and aware of issues taking place locally and globally.


I try and avoid them, I don't think that racial groups need groups, it simply serves to reinforce feelings of being separate, same goes for LGBT and I haven't seen any socio-economic groups, but in general, I think they're pointless and just serve to give people friends when they have issues going out and meeting people. Probably a hardcore republican. Casual wear. Yes. One with the nerds, who are entirely too geeky for their own good, the strange people that group together (the lgbt groups, etc), the normal down to earth students who are common everywhere, and then the serious intellectuals who most people avoid because they are dicks. The bay area, CA. Middle class. Yes. Left. Rarely.


UCSC students are predominantly from California, but not from one specific region. Most come from fairly wealthy families, but downplay this. Santa Cruz is not an urban place, so somebody looking for a big city feel and bumping nightlife would feel out of place. While San Francisco is about an hour and 20 minute drive away, Santa Cruz its self is tucked up between mountains and ocean. UCSC students are probably more introverted overall than at other colleges, but at the same time friendly and very open minded. It is a very liberal school, and people who like George Bush would feel very uncomfortable at this university. Most people are politically aware, perhaps not particularly active, but know a bit about foreign affairs. It is hard to generalize because you will find people here and everywhere, some of whom have their head in the clouds, and others who are NPR junkies.


This is school is not ethnically diverse at all, but it very LGBTIQ friendly.


I have not experienced any racial, religious, LGBT, etc. groups. Groups are usually based on interest. I am in SAM (student art movement) club- it is good so far. Uptight overachievers would feel out of place here. people wear t-shirts and jeans or shorts. people have been known to show up in absolutely ludacris outfits on Halloween. different types of students usually stay to themeselves. Santa Cruz tables: hipster indie/stoner table, "bro" table (+ bro hos), asians, nerds. Most people are SoCal, then mostly NorCal. Most are middle class. Most people are surprisingly politically aware: Left wing. No- I have not once heard a student talk about making money.


Here I find myself surrounded by sniveling weasels always complaining about one thing or another: how classes are too big, how professors do not know them, how the long-range development plan is going to cut down trees and destroy the environment, how there aren't any ethnic studies taught on campus, how the food in Santa Cruz is atrocious, and how their major needs more money than the other majors on campus. One friend of mine considers himself left-wing, but the left-wing politics of the campus make him consider the center instead. Whining.


There is a distinct lack of racial diversity in UCSC that any member of the administration would be awkward in dealing with. There are posters on every bus-stop assuring, what seems to be many supportive groups relating to race. Of course what should be important is UCSC showing me that there is a place for my race and class no matter what they are. In my position it may be difficult to clarify. Luckily most lectures and classes are run with a prevailing focus on informality. I have no way of knowing how many times I have gone to class wearing pajamas. The point is that UCSC classes offers the anonymity necessary to blend into the back of a philosophy lecture.


Students that are of the minority sometimes feel out of place here at UCSC becasue it is not a very diverse campus. Most students just wear regular jeans and shirts to class. Yes i think that different types of students interact every day in their classes and in the dining halls. Most UCSC are from the Bay Area. If there were four types of tables there would be the hippie/vegan table, the preppy girls who are talking about partying, the boys who are talking about girls, and the table of people who are left over. Most students at ucsc have rich families. Yes a lot of students talk about the money they want to make when they get older.


Many student groups are under funded, minority students are NOT helped in the way they should be(as a result MANY LEAVE). Black students receive no help and the change from northern california to santa cruz can be difficult.