University of California-Santa Cruz Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about University of California-Santa Cruz!


Beach and mountains. Laid back and liberal atmosphere. Great town!


We are a very accepting school of all types of people. We are more "hippie."


First off, it's smack in the middle of a redwood forest and the ocean can be seen from many areas of campus. The place is beautiful and serene. Secondly (and appropriately), the school is EXTREMELY environmentally conscious. Thirdly, everyone is just pretty chill here. There is an amazing amount of diversity and the place, as a whole, just has a very relaxed feel to it.


environmental consciousness and liberal learning environment


The way students interact with each other and the way students view the world were two of the things I noticed most about Santa Cruz. Everyone here is very open and friendly, and academic success is not as important as one might think. Professors want you to get good grades, but they are more concerned with us all succeeding in life. It is very peaceful here, and there are always people willing to help and befriend you.


The natural beauty and dedication to social justice amongst its professors and students.


For a long time, there were no grades, only evaluations. The professors still have that legacy in them.


It is located in the forest. There are also amazing views of the ocean from campus.


Santa Cruz is a place where I feel that can really thrive in everything that I enjoy focusing on. This gives me a great way to be able to volunteer, learn about my community, and get invovled in a place that I can learn and grow and not be judged.


It has so many different things near it. It has the beach, forrest, hiking, the town, bars, and more all accessable and close.