University of California-Santa Cruz Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of California-Santa Cruz accurate?


Most of the time, yes. As bad or good as it may sound, everyone at UCSC is in some way a hippie, a stoner, a free-loader, a vegan, an environmentalist, a feminist or a tree hugger. Whether you abstain from showering in order to reduce the consumption of water, or you have given in to your feminist urges and given up shaving your legs all together or you are a part time vegan, you definately live up to UCSC standards.


in some ways, but if you aren't into these things, i don't think it should prevent someone from coming.


You can see the reasons behind it but not completely accurate


Yes and NO. The university as a whole is comprised of very diverse groups of people. Some are liberal while others are more conservative. Some smoke during 4/20, and many don't. But then again, every university has students who smoke, drink, or do other stronger drugs as well as some students who do not. Some people really REALLY care about the environment and so they take certain life-style choices that lead other ignorant people who don't understand environmental issues to refer to the "hippies" in a negative way.


There are a lot of people who smoke pot. There are a few smelly hippies. There are people who think they are left wing radicals, but all they do it talk.


Partly. There is a lot of marijuana to be found, but it is a rigorous university, just like any other UC.


To some extent, they are but not completely.


Only a little bit. Everyone showers, except for a few people who live in trees. The student body is very socially active in protests and causes, which is always well-minded but occasionally gets carried away.




hah some people are they come here for the stereotype but most people i have encountered are normal