University of California-Santa Cruz Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of California-Santa Cruz?


A big stereotype is that we're all hippies and massive stoners, oh and also big party people. It is said that UCSC is like a city on the hill and is it's own little environment apart from Santa Cruz.


That all UCSC students are dirty hippies or surfers who walk around barefoot protesting the removal of trees and/or other environmental causes.


That we are all slacker pot-head hippies.


A bunch of liberal crazy hippy stoners


stoners, slackers, lazy, rich bros, white.


Its a party school. The academics are not very strong.


Stereotypes would definetley have to include the "hippie" stereotype, "pothead" stereotype, "party school"


Everyone thinks its a bunch of hippies who sit around and smoke weed all day and classes are a joke... well guess what, i thought that at first and did't want to come here until after the first week of class i opened my eyes. Classes were aready real serious, most of the people here were regular people, and most people had the same initial stereotypes when getting here.


UCSC is stereotyped as an artistic school that's not all that hard, full of burnt-out hippies. The stereotype is that the students are all potheads, druggies, artists and hippies. Supposedly we all have dreads, wear hemp clothing, and don't bathe.


Lots of Weed and active students.