If I could go back in time to high school I would tell myself I am capable of succeeding in a larger university and encourage an open-minded attitude. Growing up in a rural, small town I worried I was not "good enough" to keep up with the challenging academics of college classes. Students from larger high schools had Advanced Placement and honors courses available. I thought I would less prepared comparatively and feared failure in college level classes. I wish somebody told me that by attending discussion sections for my classes and asking questions during a professor's office hours I would do more than simply keep up with the rest of the class. I would advise myself to find the most helpful TA's to aid my studies. Part of reaching out and benefitting from the resources available involves a level of openess. Initially intimidated by the campus size I feared getting lost trying to find the professor's office or section. Had I entered with a more open-mind, I would be less inhibited by fear and maximize my experience. Knowing about the resources available and being open to exploring them would have increased my confidence.
I would tell myself to fill out more scholarships and join more groups in school to stay active. I would of told myself to work less and study more in school. I would of also told myself to listen more and talk less becuase people have went through what I'm going through now and all they are trying to do is help me become sucessful. I would of told myself to save my money because now I am struggling to support mysef and looking for all types of aid just for this school year and if i would of saved I probably would need less aid then I need now. The last thing I would of told myself would of been not to slack at the end of the school year because people were looking up to me and I made a couple of bad choices at the end of my school year. Like not going to class because I knew I didnt have to go anymore to pass. I would just mainly advise myself to stay focus and remember what I'm preparing myself for.
If i was able to go back in time, I would change the way I applied myself towards my studies. First of all, taking my studies more seriously and trying to achieve the best grades possible. When I was back in high school I tend to not focus on school and play around.Since I was in sports I worried more about the sport,rather than my grades. Now that I have started college and see that if I had payed attention more in my math class I wouldn't be taking remedial math. I would be college ready and not wasting time and money in a remedial class. In college the professors have a more higher expectaiton of us as students. Professors want you to be in a college level ,to know the extensive vocabulary and difficult math. Therefore, if I were back in high school i would take my education more seriously to be able to be a better student in college.
Feel free to experiment in college, but do so with the intention of finding what works for you. At the same time, don't be in a rush to throw away everything that has defined you up to this point. While it is good to branch out, it is important to remember that there is a valid reason why you have been involved in the pursuits that you chose up to this point. Also, don't do anything easy. When it comes to picking out classes, take things that will challenge you rather than things which make your workload appear like it will be more manageable. You'll only be in college for a few short years, and it is better to extract the most value from the experience that you can. Last of all, join the UCSC Ninjutsu Training Group during your fall quarter. You will grow more as a person with this group than you ever have before, and they will help mold you into an effective, contributing member of society. You'll learn to defend yourself, but you'll also learn to be a strong individual who can confront problems whenever they appear. Good luck.
Do not settle for what other people want for you. Research the opportunities available to you and make an informed decision. Invest yourself into your education, in a field which you enjoy. You will end up with more opportunities available to you than you ever suspected were available.
I understand that life is hard at the moment and that the future may not seem promising -scary at that. College is just about the corner now and one important thing for one to note is that life in college is what one makes of it. It can be a fun and safe place for anyone who wants it. However, life in college can also be very challenging for anyone not ready for it. Some become lost and overwhelmed, while others find peace and excel. It is all up for the individual to find resolve. Know that only one to have control over their life, is ones' self. Therefore, it is up to us to make sure this is an enjoyable experience. One can make long time friends and create long time mermories, if one tries. College will only be a scary thing if one allows it. Look forward to it; for there is only one college experiece. Let us make it count.
I would tell myself to prepare
Dear Tem,
Listen to your mom and spend time with her as much as you can. You'll miss her too much cause she was the reason why you pushed yourself. Eat all the filipino food you can. Learn how to do your laundry. Study your calculus. And make sure you spend time with your grandma. You won't get the easy chances in Santa Cruz but try to surpass the mountain on the way back home.
Go to class. Your GPA will thank you.
-Your struggling future self
Advice to my old self: you do want to be a teacher and pick a school around that, do not waste time at a more expensive school when you could get the same education for cheaper.
Embarrassed to tears by the noise of a dropped pencil within the hush of a test, desperate at lunch as I searched the quad to meet the smile of just one socially accepted kid so I could sit down and eat, for the rest of the year, without the degrading title: “loser.” In short: me in High School.
I’m an old bat now, and my son is 15 ½. I contantly get communications from his school like this:
Your son refused to take off his hat in the hall during dismissal. He argued that because he is Jewish, whether he wears a Kippah (Yarmulke) or a knit cap, or a baseball cap, he is nonetheless asserting his constitutional and religious right to wear a head covering. Your son replied in the negative to the hall monitor, he pointed his fingers in a ‘gang-related’ pose, cocked his head to the side, and said, ‘Oh Yeaha, take that …Uh Huh!!!” and touched knuckles with passive Jewish peers.
My boy got in trouble, but he did right; I was proud.
Listen to your gut, your constitutional rights, and your Mom: and you will always win!!!