University of California-Santa Cruz Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Personally, I wish that I knew and understood the culture at UCSC better before going there. I only knew that the campus was beautiful. Once I got there I realized that my ideals were not in sync with UCSC. I was more of a straight-edge science-minded student while it seemed as though most others there were free-spirited liberal-elitists. Needless to say, I had some interesting experiences interacting with my peers at UCSC - overall the experience was very interesting.


How to manage my time better


I wish I had known how different it is compared to back home. I am originally from an area where diversity is not a problem, but on the campus of UC Santa Cruz, diversity becomes a struggle when groups try to find support and solidarity.


I wish I had known that UC Santa Cruz was a very friendly and liberal place. I kept quiet during the first quarter and was really shy that some people would not like my view points. However, that was not the case. I felt like I fit right in when talking about certain controversial issues. No one disliked me for my viewpoints.


I wish i had known that there was no frat life here and that it was a totally environmental friendly town.


how rigorous and hard it would be. Also, how that so many people are on campus. It seems crowded. Also, how horrible the housing staff is.


Keep an open mind. Santa Cruz will teach you as much as you let it. It can be a strange enviroment at first. It is very different from the typical college town.The school and town are best described as laid back. Your peers want to be your friends and your professors want to help you learn. Its up to you to give them the chance.


I wish I had a better idea of what classes were good and what professors were good, then I may have re-evaluated the way i approached my subjects of study. Also, don't go to college with a girlfriend! I would have liked to meet a real, not-lame student from the university before attending and talked to him/her about their experiences.


Nothing, the university sent a lot of information via mail.


If you're NOT weird, you probably don't belong there.