University of Central Florida Top Questions

What are the academics like at University of Central Florida?


Big classes. Seriously, sit near the front, attend the classes, talk to the professors even a little bit. These will help. Studying is crucial. But if you take the education part seriously (not everyone does), you'll do fine. If you need help, it's available.


It takes alot of work and time to do well, but it's not too difficult


In small classes many professors do know my name but in the larger classes it is very rare. I think UCF's academic requirements are extremely good. They are rising and our school is truly growing.


Overall my class experience has been well. Had a couple of GREAT professors, had a couple of BAD professors, and a lot of mediocre ones.


Professors do not know your name. Students do not study that often. Class participation is common Students are competitive


Because I talk a lot, professors know my name. My favorite class would actually have to be my Spanish courses I have taken with Dr. Thompson, despite it be my minor, he is challenging and always made me laugh. I always looked forward to his class. My major is exciting, I did encounter some dry courses, but everything I have learned has been useful, and I feel well prepared to take on law school.


I can't really speak in behalf of the students and the fact that I'm only a freshman but I really just do enough to get by. Sure we're competitive but for what goal? Our diploma doesn't have our gpa on it so why bother? As long as I keep my good ole' bright futures then my mother and I are happy. We need more intimate classroom settings, and a grading system like Emory university and Dartmouth where you just pass or fail, my friend there says it's great and so stress free.


Some professors know my name, but only if its a small classroom setting. My favorite class varies, but currently it is Biology and my least favorite is Chemistry. Class participation is common in the classes, depending on what we're doing, but overall, the class participates and interacts with the teacher. Some students are competitive in the classes, but they're just looking out for themselves and wanting to get the best grade possible. Many students within the science classes that I am are very determined to get the best grade possible, but it helps for their GPA.


Most of my Professors do know my name. There are only so many Legal Studies professors, and I have them multiple times. I do go meet with them as much as possible to develop a better teacher/student relationship. I believe majority of students do well, and do have intellectual conversations outside of class. Some of my best discussions have been sitting in the hallways of the school. My department I believe is an amazing programs with just wonderful professors. It is gearing me up for law school.


Professors are very helpful