University of Central Florida Top Questions

What kind of person should attend University of Central Florida?


Anyone who is seeking a higher education.


All kinds of people are accepted, helped, and taught at this school. Anyone can do it.


Work Hard if you want to succeed. Study while everyone else is partying.




Someone who is entirely self aware and comfortable with themself. This school is not for people who must be surrounded by others to succeed.


A person who has an audio learning ability would be best to attend this school. It does not cater well to those of us who are visual learners.


UCF is good for people who want to succeed in their school work and go on to graduate work. UCF is located on the edge of the Metro Orlando area, so there is a good balance of city and nature.


A person enjoying a campus that is large, neat in appearance, and offers a large number of programs would enjoy this school. There is a lot of things to do and the campus layout is great. Many degrees are available and the variety is great!


Those who want to be in a sunny environment, who want to spend time outdoors, who want to spend a lot of time around other people.


I middle-to upperclass student who loves to have fun, dress well, look good, and have an equally balanced social life and school life. If you like to bike, skateboard, or even walk this is the best place to do it!