My school is best know for their aviation program and nursing program.
My favorite tradition that I have witnessed here is homecoming weekend. Thousands of people come out to the campus to watch the parade, tailgate, get free food and t-shirts, and go to the football game. It was a great experience for me.
I think that the Discover UCM tours are always a good thing, especially when they are held during the day when actual students are wandering around. That way, the prospective students can have the chance to interact with enrolled students, not just overdose on PR stuff.
Our campus traditions include Home coming. For this event we have parades and a week of fun activities. Also, we have fun before finals. This event has been the most fun I have ever had on campus. It is about 4 hours and there are TONs of activities which include a bubble bar, dog tag making, bingo, play dough making, and much much more.
UCM is known well for its abundance of law enforcement
My school is best knows for its school spirit, its wide spread majors and greek life. The school prides itself on getting student involved and meeting new people. They are always looking for new majors to add and not just to have those majors but find the best professors around to teach them. And the greek life doesn't just involve the greeks in gets the whole school into doing activities and making a contrabution to the enviroment.
A strick education and sports.
My school is best known for its College of Education; it is one of the best in the nation. Future teachers are not the only graduates with a high career placement though. Many graduates find employment after graduating because UCM has a strong reputation in the community and surrounding areas. UCM is also known for the small, comfortable town of Warrensburg that surrounds it. The university supports the community and vice-versa. Small classes is a huge benefit at this university and it helps to make the transition to college much easier.
Central is pretty much a party school, but it is also known for Art, Nursing, Criminal Justice, Education, and sports of course!! I love Central and have had the time of my life here.
The school is typically known as a party school but it is also known for its sports.
our university is best known for the downtown area by all students, even the ones that are under 21. We have one street devoted to bars and everyone goes there on thursday nights.
Probably the education program. The teachers make sure that we know what we're doing once we get out in the real world.
My school is best known for being a outgoing college and producing students ready for the career field that they choose.
My school is mostly known for teaching, because many of the teachers in Missouri graduated from the University of Central Missouri.
Small class sizes and teacher that care that you learn