University of Central Missouri Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Central Missouri? Is this stereotype accurate?


In general, the students here are nice and very welcoming. As an incoming freshman, I did not know what to expect in going to college. However, some upperclassmen made my life easier than I expected so transitioning to college life was a breeze. I would say the main stereotype of students at UCM is definitely of the party type. Of course there are some exceptions, but a good majority of the students get out and party multiple times a week.


In general, the students here are nice and very welcoming. As an incoming freshman, I did not know what to expect in going to college. However, some upperclassmen made my life easier than I expected so transitioning to college life was a breeze. So far, I have almost no complaints about UCM.


At my school I would have to say the sterotypes are sorority girls, frat boys, sports people, foreign people, and then there is everyone else. Everyone seems to get along with one another though.


As I was thinking about coming to UCM, I was told that there are a lot of small town hillbilly students, but when I came here and got to know everyone this stereotype is completely wrong.


I would say there is no one stereotype to describe the students at UCM. There are definitely members of any stereotype that you can think of, but the atmosphere is incredibly diverse and supportive of all interests.


People say that college students are simply a bunch kids that just got out of their parents house and are going to have their stomach pumped for alcohol poisoning when they aren't busy gaining the freshman fifteen. This is absolutely not true! There are tons of students that are here because they want to be, including a large portion of non-traditional students and students that are studying abroad. You're sure to find plenty of people that not only care about what they are doing, but actually have a passion for it.


Many of the students at UCMO are from small rural areas so I would say a common stereotype is that we are narrow minded or hicks. However, our campus is surprisingly diverse and welcoming.


The stereotype of the students at my school are stoners and low achievers. This stereotype is in fact not accurate. I have found that many of the students here care a lot about their future careers and they certainly strive for excellence. With college comes the typical jock, frat kids, stoners, and geeks, which is nothing new. The University of Central Missouri is fun and exciting and I encourage anyone to take an interest in this college!


The most common stereotype of students at the University of Central Missouri is Party Kids. This stereotype is fairly accurate. Although there are many students who party a lot of the time, there is still a good amount of students who do not party at all. If you don't look for parties, then you won't find any. Not everyone is involved in partying.


Football players don't come to class most of the time, but other sports players actually do well in class. Frat kids are very dedicated to their Fraternity (or for girls Sorority) and spend most of their time with their brothers or sisters. Stoners come to class smelling like weed but go off campus to get high. You'll find the geeks studying, but enjoying the board games and the table tennis that the dorms have to offer.


Many people may think that the students here are hicks or hillbillies, country kids with no cultural experience; simply because our school is located in Missouri. However, that stereotype is very inaccurate! We have tons of exchange students from different countries and cultures, students from the city, and yes even some from the country. There is a very nice mix of backgrounds and cultures here at UCM.