The best thing about UCM that I really like is the campus size and the arrangement of campus. UCM has a relatively small campus size there are only about 14,000 students on campus which makes the classes small and more individually based as well as having the college feel of "new" and "different setting than high school". The arrangement of campus is nice too, it is all in one location, so you do not have classes all over town and everything is in walking distance about 15 minutes to get from one side of campus to the other.
University of Central Missouri has a classic university feel but it also feels small town and personal. Attending this school gives you a sense of pride in that it feels like a legitimate state university but doesn't have the overwhelming effect that a lot of the bigger state universities have.
The best this about UCM would be the learning enviroment because everyone is geared to do well and is every encouraging to those who don't.
The best thing I consider about my current school is that all of the professors are willing to help you when you are in need of it. The faculty office hours are very easy to work around and fit your schedule. I transferred from a junior college and my first semester at a university was nerve-wrecking, but with the convenience the university had, it helped me visit my instructors when I was in great need of it.
The departments that fall within the liberal arts category are excellent. The professors are available and have a good sense of humor. If you prove to be a dedicated student, you will never have trouble finding help if you need it.
Always getting to meet new people and staying with the people going into your similar field. Best part about staying with people you know, you can compare notes so things are not so awkward.
It's helpfulness, the location, the jobs available, the dorms are in great shape, just overall a friendly enviornment.
The best thing would have to be the sense of community. It is a smaller school and in just one year I am able to walk around campus and see several people I know on my way to class.
The campus itself, but the undergraduate programs are great too. I love this campus its what made me want to come here. Its the perfect size and its completely beautiful with the all the buildings. I also came here because i herd really good things about the academics.
The friends you will make.