University of Colorado Boulder Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Colorado Boulder? Why?


The lack of diversity sucks here. I come from the San Francisco bay area where diversity statistics shoot through the roof! I wish there was more of that on this campus. I think that diveristy is very important because we all need to be able to live together in this nation, and know how to get along with people of other backgrounds. Most students here come from upper-class white high schools. This is campus is similar to their highschool, just multiplied by 100! I also dislike the greek life, can you say middle school metality?


There are many students whose parents are paying their way through college so they don't care too much about doing the work and it tends to drag down the caliber of the classes.


In my major, the amount of work and having non english speaking teachers. Have many teachers with accents. Sometimes I feel tests are unfair and do not cover the material we studied in class.


The amount of alcohol and drug use.


I don't think there was necessarily a worst, my entire undergraduate experience was great! Perhaps sometimes the worst was going to school in a foot of snow with the temperature in the teens.


The way some of the classes are so spread out around campus.


The worst part about my college is the fact that the fraternities and sororities are not acknowlaged by the university due to incidents in the past. Along those lines are binge drinking, alcohol posioning, and burning couches.


They don't give adequate scholarships based on merit. I earned a spot on the dean's list and no scholarship was offered to me based on my college or high school grades. DU, however, right off the bat offered a scholarship for my highschool grades. I think that CU should offer something similar.