If I could visit myself during my high school days, I would go back two weeks before my senior project was due and slap myself in the face. After my past self was done freaking out about being slapped by future me, I would say two simple words: ?don?t procrastinate.?
It?s simple advice but it?s extremely important. I found that the transition from high school to college wasn?t that difficult; the only difference is that you have to manage your own time. You don?t have your teacher or mom yelling at you, saying to get started on that essay. In fact, college professors could probably care less if you did the assignment- it?s just one less thing for them to grade. In college, you?re completely on your own.
This brings me to the most important advice I could give anyone, even myself: in college you can?t wait until the last minute to do everything. If you do, the tidal wave of work will destroy you. I would tell my past self to manage my time and don?t wait to write that twenty page essay the night before it?s due.
I would tell myself what I tell everyone at everything.... just go with the flow and say yes!! tons of people are going though the same as you are, and really, money is not a problem. lots of alternatives are available even though that was my biggest worry in going yo college. who knows, maybe you'll stumble upon a short survay that just might pay you 5000 dollars.
I would pick classes better, and talk to my advisor more.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to really truly find myself before I make a decision on where to attend college. The college you attend affects your friends, your education, and ultimately your future. I would also tell myself to remember where I came from and how I was raised. I was raised as girl with good morals that will go places in life, do not forget that! College is not a popularity scene nor it is one big party, you will be tempted to neglect schoolwork but if you stay focused you will achieve the success in life that you deserve. My final advice would be to avoid fear, go out and meet new people, broaden your horizons, sail wherever the wind takes you, and have fun.
If I could talk to myself, I would say, ? Listen up. I?m going to give you gold by telling you how to succeed in college and stress less! First of all, yes you got into the college you wanted, so quit worrying and start those scholarships, for that is half the battle! Start early, start now! We both know drinking and partying had never been your thing so no problem there, however your two greatest enemies, organization and procrastination, will destroy you. Follow these three guidelines from the beginning and you won?t waste a whole semester struggling. First, get a couple of calendars. Write everything down, all events and deadlines. Your A.D.D. and forgetfulness will kick your butt unless you write it all down. Second, all weekend homework should be completed on Friday. Trust me, you will save yourself from many Sunday all nighters and enjoy your weekends much more. Third, buy a digital recorder before classes start. This is your best investment. We struggle so much with note taking. Record lectures so you don?t miss half the lecture just trying to write it down. So that?s it, be confident and have fun!?
As individuals, so often we look into the past and think about what words of wisdom we could provide our earlier selves. As a highschool senior, I initially chose to move to Los Angeles, take a year off of school, and pursue a career in the commercial dance industry. After a year and a half of inner battles, I decided to move back to Colorado and and attend the University of Colorado at Boulder. Although my transition was slightly different then an individual moving straight from high school to college, my advice to myself would be to whole heartedly embrace the decision I made to take a year off despite adversity. Moreover, I would advise myself to relax and realize that I could always choose to go to college. Now that I have made the transition from Los Angeles to college, I would tell myself to allow life to take her path while still remaining focused and determined. So often I created unnecessary stress for myself , and now that I am here living my goal, I realize all the worry and stress was frivilous and unimportant. Living in the moment diminishes the regret of the future.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself that the most important aspect of the college experience is choosing a major that I loved and could see myself doing after graduation. I would mention that I should spend that first year of college exploring a variety of possibilities to get a feel of the difference disciplines out there. Most colleges require their students to complete a core set of classes that are set in stone for each and every student of the college. By taking these classes first, one can get a good picture of what they may or may not like.
I would also tell myself to study smart and not to study inefficiently. It is important to study the appropriate amount of time to complete the course, but one can miss out on the other wonderful experiences of college life if that is what they do all the time. Studying is not about how much time you spend--it is about how you engage yourself in the material. If done right, there should be plenty of time to spend with friends and to experience the campus to its fullest extent!
Me: "Howdy."
Stuart: "Howdy."
Me: "You don't recognize me?"
Stuart: "Um...You kind of remind me of...oh...Wow."
Me: "I am future you. Or, rather I am Me in the past, the same as you, Stuart, someday will be."
Stuart: "Figures."
Me: "How so?"
Stuart: "Well, you look enough like a "starving artist" to pass for Me. "
Me: "I'm sure. In fact, that is what I want to talk to you about."
Stuart: "Stereotypes and cleches?"
Me: "In a way, yes. The future abounds with them. While cleches make good sense, however, stereotypes do not. "Life is a journey," hard, though necessary. You will take more from experiencing the next five years than if I revealed it to you now. This is the dawning of the age of discovery. Merely by existing, you will come to know the outer world and your inner self more thoroughly. This processes, though, necessitates that you remain open to them both. Stereotypes only inhibit your freedom, your liberty to learn. So, embrace this opportunity. ?Walk a mile in another person?s shoes,? ?wear many hats,? and then ?be the change that you want to see in the world.?
Dear Sara,
As a high school senior, I would think very critically about your decision for your career. Freshman year of college will open your eyes to several opportunities, however, time and money are crucial. You must know that after a year of college you should make a solid decision on your career. Otherwise, you will spend time (and lots of money!) on working towards your Bachelors. It is unfortunate to put this kind of pressure on you, but you must understand how imparative it is to organize and plan ahead. It will take a load off your shoulders, believe me.
In the meantime, you will absolutely LOVE Boulder. You will discover the gorgeous, rugged outback trails of the Flatirons and the fresh air amoung the trees in the fall when you jog through The Hill. You will also meet all kinds of people from all over the world! You will even be politically influenced by the liberal atmosphere. Boulder will challenge your study habits and time management. Your will need a part time job. Understand that Boulder does NOT have any cheap, conveinant houses or apartments to live in.
Enjoy this time of your life!
Your future self
If I could go back in time and give myself advice on the transition to college, I would tell myself to get a move on! I would tell myself that the environment of CU- Boulder needs me. There are so many people here that are wonderful and are waiting to get to know you. They can help me, just as I will help them become what they need to be in order to be happy. I would tell myself to approach college with wild abandon and not wait so long to put my best foot forward. I would tell myself that while college is big and different and sometimes overwhelming, it will be a place where you meet and learn with the most wonderful people you have met in your entire life. I would tell myself that today is the day; don't make your dreams wait forever.