University of Colorado Boulder Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Colorado Boulder know before they start?


I would advise students to do a cost-benefit analysis of the schools they are considering. The should weigh the importance of factors such as location, cost, size, and prestige according to their preferences. They should take hollistic approach to evaluating the schools and weigh each school against each other. There is no one right way to evaluate schools and what is right fo rone person may not be suitable for another. Also, do a campus tour of any school you are seriously considering. Seeing the campus and interacting with students will give a clear idea of what it is like to be a student at that university. Ask a lot of questions on this tour so that you are presented with as much information as possible to input in to your decision.


Use a site like campusdiscovery to help you find the best college for you!


The best advice that I could give to parents and students when selecting the college they want to attend is to take your time, and start early. I know it is a hard to start thinking about college when it is only your sopmore year of high school but selecting a college is a choice that will change your life forever. The people you meet, the friends you make, and the place you go are all life lasting things. So don't rush into going to a college just because your friends are going there, or because that's where your parents went. Think about what is right for you and what you truly want out of life, because choosing the right college is the way to make that hapen.


Be involved.


Pick the school that you'll be happy being at for the next four years. If you lock yourself up in the library and never experience the life of a student, you've totally missed the point. So go somewhere you'll look back on and say, "Yeah, I had the time of my life and I got to be where I am now because of it."


To find the right college for you, you must go with you heart and pick the school that has what YOU want and not what anybody else wants. It is important for you to go to a school that has what you want in a major, extra curricular activities, that is within your budget and has the right atmosphere. If only one of these characteristics isn't right, then find a different school to attend. This is an extremely important and life altering decision and is probably one of the first times that YOU get to choose where you want to go to school and where you will be living for at least the next four years, so you want it to be a good decision. Don't forget that this is YOUR education and YOUR college experience, so this should be YOUR decision. Have fun and good luck!


There will be a college such that when you are walking around campus, everything clicks. That's the school you should go to. It may not be the most prestigious and it may not be what you thought you'd love, but the fact of the matter is that you change a lot in college. You should go where you think you'll have the most opportunity to grow.


The best advice I can give a students looking for a school to attend is, stay true to yourself! If you choose a school or major based on what others are doing, or what others think you should be doing, you could end up completely unhappy. Look at all aspects of the school, town and activities you could be involved in before you jump into any big decisions. Choose the place that is the best fit for who you are, and your future goals. If you stay true to what you want to do, and be, everything will work out for the best. Good Luck!!


College is a place to grow up. Granted, growing up is inevitable, but college is a place to expand your horizons and grow your mind in a way that no where else can. While it may seem that 4 years is alot of time, trust me it will go by much too quickly. Before rushing into it take the time to reflect on where you want to be after those four years are finished. You don't have to know exactly where, no one ever does (even the med students). Set yourself a flexible goal, and explore as many avenues as possible to get there. There is no 'right' college, and like they say, it's not the destination, it's the journey. If I had to give three solid examples of how to make the most of it I'd say: 1) Always go out on Halloween (Get creative with your costume) 2) Find someway to teach (tutor, T.A. etc) 3) Keep joining groups until you find one you really enjoy (Don't be afraid to go see what that Anime group is all about) Go on and grow up, just remember to always keep growing.


Look at what research professors are doing at the school you want to go to. Also, kill yourself to get good grades your freshman/ early sophomore year - then all oportunities are left open, and you'll never be struggling to bring your GPA back up. You can relax a little in your later years. Also, have fun, make friends, and remember - life is your full time job, school is just a hobby.