The complete lack of parking, or how expensive it can be to park.
It is such a large school that the bureaucracy for getting anything done is either super complicated or confusing. It is not easy to solve problems or make reservations in person. Their online resources are pretty good though.
The most frustrating thing about my school is having friends that feel like they need to live up to the Universities ranking as a party school when they are not normally the type of people to do that. While this may have simply been a case of immaturity of my fellow freshmen as we branched out from the control of our parents, it was frustrating none the less because I didn't share their desire to participate in this sort of rebellion.
The most frustrating thing about the Universtiy of Colorado at Boulder is meeting with professors. Since it is such a large school, many classes are large and TAs teach almost all of the recitations. It is hard to get a time to visit a professor's office hours due to the fact that there are so many other students wanting to meet with the professor at the same time.
My biggest frustration with Cu Boulder is that its not very car friendly. One needs to walk or travel by bike, espeacially to reach classes that may be on opposite ends of the campus.
The most frustrating part of my school is how many students are here for the wrong reasons. There is a large population of students that just come with wanton lifestyles. They spend, drink, and live as if it effects no one else. There is a real tendency to disregard themselves as well as others. Respect for their own person is minimal to the point of sadness.
The traffic in Boulder is annoying. There is a lot of people that go to the school and that live in the area so there is a large congestion of pedestrians, bikers, skate boarders, cars and buses. Plus everyone is trying to get to the same place or at least go through the same area at around the same time so it can sometimes be dangerous.
The school is rather large and the surrounding area is more expensive, so housing is an issue. Freshmen are required to live on campus and only a very small portion of the rest of the student body can chose to live on campus. CU does provide housing to be rented to upper-level students, but it is outrageously expensive. Living off-campus then is the only option, but rent can be so high, it makes it difficult to find a good place.
I get frustrated not having updated grades and very frustrated when they are posted no where.
The workload along with trying to meet with teachers. Also making friends sophomore year.